Chapter 303 - 304

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Chapter 303: I only like you, especially sincerely.

Life is so long, and you will always meet someone who makes you have to compromise. Song Yunan didn't believe it before, and then he fell in love with Ji Lin.

He couldn't tell Ji Lin that the reason why he hadn't appeared again in these years was because he was curing his illness, and when he was hysterical and told Ji Lin to get out, it was because of illness.

Seeing Song Yun'an curling up his lips and smiling softly, Ji Lin immediately came back to his senses and asked with a wary look on his face: "What do you want?"

"Ji Lin." Song Yun'an took one step forward, feeling that all the entanglements he had had were suddenly resolved, and he whispered: " I know that there is something wrong with me, and I even look like a pervert in the eyes of many people, but I..." He looked at Ji Lin, the gloomy mist in his eyes dissipated, and it was so bright that Ji Lin almost couldn't stop it. : "I only like you, especially sincerely."

Ji Lin warned herself over and over again not to be soft-hearted and to still have reason: "But we are really not suitable."

"Try with me again, Ji Lin." Song Yunan was very calm, " Just once, otherwise you know my temper. I won't make it easy for anyone until I give up completely."

When Song Yunan stopped pressing every step of the way, the rope around Ji Lin suddenly became lighter. I'm so mean. ! Ji Lin thought so, but his expression softened.

If he hadn't been particularly fond of Song Yun'an back then, if someone else had dared to tell him to get out, he would have been carried out of the villa sideways.

Seeing Ji Lin fell into silence, Song Yun'an stepped forward slowly, "Just once, you won't lose anything."

Ji Lin glared at him: "Why didn't I lose anything? My spirit must have been severely damaged!"

Song Yun'an followed his kindness and said, "I will make up for it . "

How to compensate?"

Song Yun'an's eyes suddenly deepened, "You have the final say."

Ji Lin subconsciously looked at his fair neck, and just when his mouth felt dry, he noticed the gauze exposed on the young man's wrist.

"What did you do?" Ji Lin grabbed him and asked.

Song Yun'an bit off the prevarication, and there was a solemn look on his brows, and he looked like he was fighting again, "Ji Lin, I'm sorry."

Ji Lin felt that sooner or later, Song Yun'an's heart would stop: "No, I have something to say, you can tell me What kind of apology is that?"

"The day you left the hotel, I found someone to follow you." Song Yunan didn't dare to look at Ji Lin's face, and kept twirling his hand back and forth: "I know you. I went to eat with that Zhu Fei. I was very angry and smashed something in the office. The injury wrapped in gauze was accidentally caused during the smashing."

Hearing that Ji Lin didn't make any move, Song Yunan's heart sank: "If you don't feel happy. , just beat me..."

"Apart from these?" Ji Lin asked in a deep voice.

Song Yun'an thought about it seriously: "I arranged for the two who were just sent to the Ji's rookie training camp."

Ji Lin smiled: "You have very long hands."

Song Yun'an did not defend himself.

It was the first time that Ji Lin saw Song Yunan like this. The thorns all over his body were gone, and he tried to act obedient and docile even though his minions were still there.

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