Reno Room Carpenter Cheat

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Yes, being a picture framer or a recruiter can be the time of your life. Getting paid sixty coins each day on job level one makes you feel so middle class and realistic. But, the best job isn't even the one you master in. It's not the one that you do after you purchase all the career upgrades. Not even the one you buy your way up the career ladder for. The best job is hands down a rare one.

Carpenters. They work with wood and tools to build. They have their own HGTV and DIY shows. They build everything from houses to coffee tables. They are the sophisticated Handy Mannys of this generation. But what do they do in Virtual Families 2?

Well, you're house in VF2 is a fixer upper. [CUE GASPS] I know, i know, shocker! With the several burnt and contaminated rooms, and foundations, it's really aggravating. The game makes you want to renovate so you can stop sharing a couch with your spouse and four kids. If you are really sick and tired of sleeping on a free ripped up couch in your office, this is the chapter for you.

If you adopt, marry, or pass the house down to a kid with the job carpenter, i hate you. You are so lucky. Why may you ask? Because carpenters can renovate some rooms in her/his house for free. Carpenters are rare, but once you get them, take care of them.

Feed them, bathe them, make sure they are perfectly okay and say happy or at least elated. Sell your toys and couches and christmas trees if you have to and stock up your fridge. Keep them as long as you can and make sre that if you have them, you renovate the rooms that he can do for free.

Now, im guessing this is true. I, myself, have never gotten a carpenter in the years of playing this game. Somebody on the internet had said that carpenters do renovate one or two rooms for free. And i have no reason to doubt that, because in the tutorial, it says something along the lines of:

You found a room in need of renovation. In the store, you can buy renovations for the rooms. There may even be alternative ways to renovate one or two rooms.

So, just keep your eye out (not out of the socket) for a carpenter job. If you get one, comment with a screenshot. I'd love to see one.

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