Fixing & Fires

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If you want to put out a fire, go to the workroom (the room at the front left of the house) there is a fire extinguisher there. put a man or woman. ive never tried woman, ive only tried man. Try both. So put the person on the fire extinguisher over and over again until it says putting out fire or something like that. remember to praise them!! (touch the green clove then tap them! Praise the fire putter outer!! If the sink is leaking or the toilet is clogged, go to the workroom again and put a person on the edge of the table over and over again until it says fixing the clogged toilet or fixing the leaky sink. There are four possible things that may occur. They are a leaking kitchen/bathroom sink, a stove that is on fire, ants in your kitchen that keep coming and going, and a clogged shower. I know how to fix all of them. First one go to the work room below the bathroom and place your person infront of table with the hammer on it, i it works it will say "fixing sink". Second one, go to the same work room. Next to a table you will see a fire estinguisher. Place your person in front of that an it will put out the fire. Third one, you will see a brown pot on your table next to the sink that you have never seen, place pur person in front of that, then once they are done with that next of the harbage can outside is an orange blob use that to finish tge ant repelent. And last one, it is the same instrutions as the sink. If you place your person infront of the tools and it doesn't just try again and again. Dryer Lint is Burning = drag one of the adults to the workshop as you will see something red under the bench at the top. That is the extinguisher. Drag your adult to the extinguisher. Stove is on fire = Same applies Bathroom sink is leaking = Drag an adult to one of the workshop benches. Kitchen sink is leaking = Same applies Internet Router is broken = If you look at your router and the light is red instead of green, it is broken. Drag an adult to it and they will fix it. Ants are in the kitchen = If there are ants in the kitchen DO NOT STEP ON THEM! They will not go away. Instead, there should be some brown weird funnel looking thing on the counter that looks like a bee's nest. Its actually cinnamon. drag an adult to it and they would do the rest.


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