Sock Piles

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When you clean your house, you will be cleaning up three different things. Wrappers will be picked up when you set one or more persons on the wrapper. They will carry it to the trash can, in the kitchen. After so many wrappers are put into trash can, you will place them ontop of the silver trash can. They will take out the trash to the blue and green bins out side. The trash can will record how many items are in it. By clicking on it, it will say 'Trash: 3' or however much you have. Then, drag your person ontop the trash can. They will pick up a black bag, and walk it to your gate. There are two big bins out there, blue and green, that they will place it in. If you have made the ant spray before, this is where the yellow ingredient is.

Dirt smudges are like weeds, you get rid of them and don't need to carry them anywhere or do anything else. It may take a minute, or a couple tries, but they will go away. They, like socks amd wrappers, are hard to find sometimes and may hide under your furniture. To get the achievements of a perfectly clean house and/or yard, you may have to move indoor and outdoor furniture.

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