15 2 600

1.2K 7 0

Although it seems you should get the guy with the big 105 at level one career, it's tricky.

The guys with 105 starting salary usually have a lot in the bank, so they're usually chosen by the penny Pinching players. Well, be fooled no more!

You actually should get the 15 starting salary gals. They are the ones that are best for the praising 'working on career' trick. *(Go to The First chapter)*

Why? Well, the people will the 60/90/105 salaries at level one will only be like 200 at master (8).

But the people who were only paid 15 in level one / beginner will be paid around 600 at master.

So if you use the praise and the free time travel trick, you can easily get paid triple! Just start with the people with 15 salaries when adopting or marrying, if you have the choice.

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