Free Time Travel

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Tired of buying 'Roll The Dice' and 'Time Warp'?

Looking for a way to skip generations and earn some cash?

Want to have kids, without holding them until they are done being nursed?

Or maybe you are just wanting more stuff in the On Sale category?

You can only go in the future on this game, so sorry if you were excited to go back and visit your first generations.

On the bright side, this chapter will help you...

Earn Cash using Time Travel and the trick in Chapter One

•Skip Time

•Kill off your present generation family

•Skip the nursing

•Get more stuff on sale

•Get up to several generations (I got from 9 to 17 in an hour)

•Get several events along the way

Does this seem cool? Well let's figure out how to do that!

1. First, you need to go to Chapter One and do the Praising Trick on both adults.

2. Put four bags of grains grocery bags on the kitchen counter.

3. make sure your people are healthy.

4. Go into your DEVICE settings, and go to where you'd set your time manually. (It may say 'Date & Time' or 'Clock Settings')

5. Set your year to 2020. Its 2015 right now, so just set it to five years after whatever year it is while your reading this. If that makes sense. To do this, you may need to turn off The Automatic Date and Time that is network provided if it is on.

6. Re open your Virtual Families 2 app.

7. Enjoy. Repeat this and instead set it to 2025, then 2030 and so on. When you're done, set it back to the correct date.

*****Side Effects******

You're families will be sick or dead

Your house and yard will be filled with weeds and wrappers (I reccomend buying the maid/gardener in Special Upgrades)

You will need to buy a lot of medicines

You'r family might be lost, so you might have to adopt someone new.

You're device might freeze for a few seconds

The game might glitch a little, killing off your parents and letting your three year old live alone and marry a twenty nine year old. In this case, adopt a lot of people in the Special Upgrades department.

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