Rumored Tricks Are Myths!!

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Word was going around about quite a few tricks. First, the baby trick. Then the carpenter? This chapter is all about those fake tricks.

The Baby Trick

Claim: You'll ALWAYS have a baby!

Steps: 1. Drag your woman onto your man.
2. Take your man away while they walk to the bed, and put him in the shower.
3.The woman will continue the action as if he was still there
4. You will always have a child/ You will have multiple kids!

Status: FALSE. You can have kids this way, but you won't always have a baby. You won't have a better chance to get twins or triplets.

The Carpenter Trick

Claim: Get free Rooms!

Steps: One of the jobs your adoptee/spouse could have is carpenter. With this job, you can get rooms for free!

Status: UNKNOWN. Although some players claim to have done it, and the tutorial says there is another way for some rooms to be renovated, nobody really knows. Some experts say they have had carpenters, which are apparently rare, but they can't get them to have the room for free. The alternative might just be the 'House Next Door' thing.
(See that chapter)

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