Chapter 11

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I woke up due to the maid opening the curtain, sending the sun directly in my eyes. I groaned knowing that once I wake up, I can't go back to sleep. So anyways I tried to get up, but was pulled back down by a hand.

"Don't go, stay" Ethan said with his sexy morning voice.
"C'mon let me go." I wined, as I tried to move his hand off of mine.
"No can do, kitten" he said, I finally gave in and laid back down beside him.
"Fine but only 5 more minutes, okay" I said into his chest. He nodded and placed his chin in the crook of my neck and went back to sleep.

While me on the other hand, laid there with my body pressed against his and my head on his chests. I couldn't fall back asleep, so I laid there just thinking and talking to myself.

I don't know why but I feel something is gonna go wrong today. My Wolf senses something is gonna happen.

"Ashley, what's wrong?" I asked.
"I don't know, but I have a weird feeling about today and it's making me sick." she said, honestly I don't know what to expect of today.

As I was thinking to myself, my eyelids got heavier and heavier until I shut them, I snuggled closer to Ethan and fell asleep.... Again.


"Wake up, kitten." I heard someone call as he slowly shook me.
"Wake up!" he said again.
"Aghh leave me alone. I want to sleep" I called out without opening my eyes, as I turned around on to my other side.

"Wake up, Alex. You've already missed breakfast." he said, I suddenly shot up.

"What! Couldn't you have woken me up sooner?" I scold as I sat up and tied my hair in a messy bun. He just face palmed himself.

"I have been trying to wake up for the past 10 minutes but you wouldn't budge. So since you missed breakfast I brought you some. It's on the table, you eat while I go take a shower." he said as he walked towards the bathroom door. I took the tray off the table and started eating.

He walked into the bathroom with a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes and finished eating my eggs and toast. I put the empty tray back on the table and got out of the bed.

I finished cleaning the bed, and tidying around the room, just to tell you I hate it when my room is a mess, in the 18 years that I've lived I have never left my bedroom untidy, not that I ever had a room.

Ethan came out of the bathroom and stood in front of the door, with only a towel wrapped around him, revealing his hidden 6 pack. I hadn't realised that I was staring at him until he spoke up.
"Kitten, take a picture it'll last longer." he winked at me. I blushed a little but shrugged it off.

"Why would I take a picture of that? I've seen better 6 packs, actually I've seen 8 packs." I said showing the number 8 with my fingers. His mouth hung open and this time it was my turn to smirk and wink.

I walked towards the bathroom but stopped next to Ethan.
"C'mon close your mouth, or the only thing you'll be catching is flys" I said as I closed his mouth with my finger.

I walked into the bathroom with my towel, shut the door and stood behind it.

I can't believe I just did that. I had never thought that I'd be caught staring at some ones 6 packs.

After having that little awkward talk with myself I went and stood in front of the full length mirror which was next to the bathroom sink. I smiled at the sight. I no longer see that weak and hopeless girl, instead I see a brave and strong girl that can do anything she wants. I no longer have the dark black rings around my eyes. I no longer have the bruises on my arms, except some bruises that are still present on my back other than that everything else has seemed to disappear. One thing I know for sure, is that I'm not the same girl I was 2 years. I guess they're right when they say 'what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger'.

Once I finished looking at myself, I stripped down my clothes and jumped into the shower. I turn the faucet on so it's not to hot nor to cold. I took my vanilla scented shampoo and applied it to my hair. After I washed my hair, I washed my body and then got out.

I put my hair into a messy bun and then wrapped the towel around my body, let's just hope that Ethan is not in the room. I opened the door and walked into the room. Lucky me, Ethan isn't in the room. I run over to my walk in closet, when I opened the door, I stood there in amaze. I've never ever ever seen or owned a closet this big and full before. There was different length of dresses, there were varieties of shorts, jeans and tops. There was a whole section full of converses, heels, boots and any strap shoes you could think of.

Knock knock

"Come in" I yelled. Renee came in and closed the door behind her, with a beautiful knee high white dress, with only one shoulder strap.
"Prince-" she started but I stopped and yelled. "Lexi!"
"Oh right, Lexi yeah.... Since its your party, Queen Rosalina told me to get you ready. So I brought you this dress. " She said with her head down and handed me the dress. I took it and went back into the closet, closed the door and placed the dress on the seat that was in the middle of the closet. I took the towel off and wore my underwear. Then I put my robe on and walked out of the closet.

"Where do we start? " I said happily.
"Let's start with the hair." she said. I walked over and sat on the seat in front of the mirror and Renee stood behind me, she opened my messy bun and started brushing.

"So umm... We haven't really got off on the right foot. Have we?" I said breaking the silence between us. She shook her head, no.
"Well then let start over. And anyways if I'm gonna stay here from now on, I need a friend don't I?" I said while looking at her through the mirror.
"Sure, I'd love that" she said. As she plugged the hair curler in to the socket.

"Okay but first things first, lose the formality" I told her, she laughed but nodded.

"Is it just gonna be our pack at the party? " I asked as I played my fingers out of boredom.
"No, the Queen said this morning during breakfast, we have one more pack joining us" she said.
"Did she say the name of the pack?" I asked curiously.
"Umm yeah, I think she said the blue moon pack" she said, my eyes widened. I started laughing....

"I'm sorry my ears stopped working, cause I think I misheard you. What did you say cause I heard blue moon pack" I said, her face was covered in confusion.
"That's what I said" she said. I instantly stood up nearly knocking the chair down. I place my hand on my head now I'm feeling dizzy. Who knew one word would take my happiness away?

"Lexi, are you okay? You've gone a little pale" she asked concerned, as she lead me to the bed and gave me a glass of water from the night stand and she bent down and sat on the floor in front of me. I stared at the golden wall in front of me, lost in thought.

What am I gonna do now! They'll find out who I am, my plan will be ruined. This must of been why I was feeling sick. Aghh why can't I ever have a peaceful day. Let's see what else can go wrong in the next 4 hours!!!


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