Chapter 34

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Hey hey guys. Happy birthday to me. Ha joking, my birthday is tomorrow and guess where I'll be spending my 15th birthday at. At the hospital. :( #worstdayever

Damion's POV.

Oh no what have I done? What was Alex doing here? Was she all along well that would explain why Ethan's attitude changed instantly. Why do I always turn out to be the bad guy?

Now here I'm sitting in Wolf form, that son of a motherf*cking b*cth laying half conscious on the floor. Alex standing in front of me with dark red eyes, her hair in the air and flames all around her body. What's going on? I have no idea....

She lets out a scream, before changing to Wolf still covered in flames. Her Wolf was not the same color it was before, it was not midnight blue with the single streak of gold on her ear, she was black with dark grey fur in her stomach and paws. She looked beautiful, but from her red eyes you could see she was ready to kill me.

Her paws hit the ground and she runs towards me, showing me her canines. I'm so scared that I can't even move, it's like my paws are glued to the ground. Never in all my life have I seen her like this.

She tackles me to the ground and we both slide across untill she hits me against the tree with much force, that I cut my back.

I use my teeth and pull her off of me before throwing her away from me. She gets back up, shakes her head and runs back towards me. I closed my eyes and dodge her attack, when I reopened them she was gone, my whole body was on high alert she might attack any second. Using my hearing, I search around for a source of breathing or sound, but I can't hear anything, nothing but silence which is starting to get me worked up......
Within a few seconds life flashes before my eyes when she pins me on the ground for face a few inches away from mine, her red eyes piercing holes directly through my eyes. To say I was scared was an understatement. Her paws had my paws pined, she was growling showing her canines. Her breathing was just as rough as her growling. She lifted her arm, scratched my neck, and she bit my snout digging her canines in my snout deeper and deeper. As soon as she removed her teeth, the stinging started, making tears dwell in my eyes.

I changed back into my human form, she removed her paws from my hand to my chest. Despite the stinging pain I took this as my chance to escape or something. I used my hands and grabbed her sides pinning her to the ground, and me laying on top of her using all my arms and legs to hold her down.

"Alex calm down" I yelled over her growling. She growled even louder trying to bite my head off. She starts fighting and struggling to get out of my hold. But I kept my hold on her, firm.

"Calm down." I said to her again but she fought even harder.

"Oh shit" I heard someone whisper. Keeping my hold on Alex, I turn to see two guys standing there. Who are they? I recognise one of them. What the hell was he doing here hadn't he done enough trouble?

That bastard ran over to me, and pushed me off of Alex. Before the other one grabbed Alex and held her close to him. I looked over to Alex she actually calmed down. Why the hell was he touching my mate?

"Who are you?" I asked the guy as I got up and walked back over to Alex.
"What did you do?!" he asked me without answering my question. "She never goes rogue wolf like this unless someone absolutely pulls her triggers."

"But who are you?" I asked again.
"You first" he said.

"Her mate" I bluntly said, does she know these people.
"Her ex" he said matching my tone. Huh, What game you playing at? What does he mean by ex? Did Alex have a boyfriend?
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"When I said ex I meant ex." he said as he held her close, caressing her head and whispering stuff in her ear. I looked at Alex, she had calmed down and she slowly changed back to human form. Her eyes were closed, short calm breaths were coming out of her nose. She looked relaxed.

'He's holding my mate and you're just standing there' Riker, yelled through mind link.

Suddenly I realised that he's touching my mate, she's supposed to be relaxed in my arms not this guys,whoever the hell he is. By the smell of him, he smells like a rogue.

"Luke, take her back to camp" Ryder said. The so called Luke nodded, stood and picked Alex up.

"Hey hey. Let go of her pass her to me" I said as I walked closer to him trying to take Alex from him. He steps away from me, not letting me carry her.

"Dude, I'm not giving her to you. As far as I know she hates your fricking guts" he said, as he started walked towards the camp.

"Then leave her in my tent" I yelled back. He mumbled something under his breath and walked off. Can I trust him, I mean I don't trust that other bastard?

My eyes scaned the area but Ethan was no where to be found. Where did he disappeared too?

I turned back around to see Ryder walking away.

"Oi, where are you off to" I said, venom dripping. After what he has caused this time, I totally despise him. I don't even want to look at him.
"There's nothing to talk about, so I'm going to camp" he replied as he had his hands in his pockets and walking off.
"Why?! Why did you do that to her?" I said as I walked upto him and grabbed him from his collar.

"What? Reject your stupid girlfriend." he removed my hand from his collar and started walking off.
"Do you know what your rejection did to her?" I said poking him in the chest.
"Yeah, you did the same thing so I guess we're on the same page" he replied, he is literally pulling my last nerves.

"Yeah, but my rejection didn't kill her did it?" I yelled back, the memory of the day where I found out that Serena had killed herself because of the guy standing in front of me.
"It's not my fault she decided to kill herself. Do you really think that I would have kept your girlfriend after everything you both did to Alex?" he yelled. It's taking every nerve in body for me not to go and kill him right there.

"Yeah, thought so. I know what you're thinking, how do I know what you guys did?" he started. I'm actually curious now, how does he know.

"Well because not only did Alex tell me herself, I saw every single thing with my own two eyes. I can't believe you actually did that again." he yelled as he poked me in the chest. How could he return ,when he left the territory?

"Making someone else a pack punching bag after me, that's too low bro. It's fine that you never treated me like a brother at least treat Alex as a mate. She is the most amazing person you'll ever meet. " he said. How dare he call me bro.

"You're not my brother." I said as I turned around to leave.
"Don't worry, I don't know you either" he said, shifted and ran off in the other direction.


Another chappie is up. What do you think?

I bet none of you saw that coming. Am I right? Yall know who Rena is now and what happened.


1)What do you think about damion's POV?
2) Why do the two brothers hate each other?

That's all the questions I could think of. So hoped you enjoyed the chapter. LUV YALL

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