Chapter 37

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"Is she awake?" I heard someone whisper above me. My body feels numb, and my clothes are clinging to my skin due to it being wet. My head is pounding against my skull, and it's brutal. I wanna go back to sleep, I was drifting off. But all was interrupted by a guy's voice saying 'Who is she?'

Slowly opening my eyes, seeing through my blurry eyes I come face to face with a familiar pair of blue eyes.
"D-Damion" I stutter out.

"Who's Damion? I'm Rilyn." the person above me whispers audibly , something tells me that some thing ain't right. My eyes refocus and I see two faces above mine. A girl probably younger than me, with dull blue eyes and messy brown hair she looked an exact replica of someone but I can't put my finger on it. Next to her sitting is a guy probably older than me, looking at him I would say he's about 21 or 22. They both had bruises round their eyes or on their cheeks.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?" he snarled earning a punch from the so called Rilyn. Well someones grouchy.

I try to sit up despite my bashing headache. I sat up successfully and leaned against the wall.
"What happened?" I said.
"Don't you remember?" Rilyn said. I looked at her as if she had grown another head.
"What do you mean?" I asked. She shook her head and asked
"What is your name?"
"Alexis." I said, as I looked around the dark room with only one little lamp in the corner of the room. "Where am I?"
"Don't act stupid. You probably work for them, you've only come to hear our plans. Haven't you? " the guy yelled as his face got closer to me. I only looked at him with confusion written on my face.

"Get out of my face. Bastard" I yelled as I pushed him away. Who the hell does he think he is to talk to me like that?

"What did you call me?" he gritted through his teeth. I rolled my eyes, he opened his mouth to say something but Rilyn interfered.

"Xavier stop!" Rilyn punched him in the arm. "Can't you see she doesn't know anything?" she says then she looks at me "What is the last thing you remember?"

I look at her, trying to remember what happen last night. Why is it all so rusty? It's all faded.

"I-I'm sorry. I can't remember anything" I said. Maybe Ash could help.

'Ashley you there' I mind linked Ashley.
'Ash' But there is no use she's not responding. In fact I can't even feel her. Whats going on? I have felt this feeling before. No communication with wolf,  could only me about one thing. Wolfbane. This is terrible. Why have they given me wolfbane?

"Xavier look! She's been marked" Rilyn says pointing to my neck. Also knocking me out of my trance. My eyes widened and I start feeling my neck with my hand trying trying to see where the mark is.
What...What happened?

Just then my brain starts working, reminding me all the events that happened yesterday. I can't believe he did that, how on earth could Damion mark me? Anger got the best of me, I turned around and punched the wall behind me. Leaving a big fist size dent in it.

Suddenly all was quiet and footsteps could be heard walking towards the door. It was not one person, there were two people talking to each other as thet got closer and closer to the door.

"They're coming" Both Xavier and Riyln say in unison, as they run to individual corners with scared faces.
"Who? What?" I asked confused, but they shhhed me.

The voices behind the door got closer. I recognise both of those voices. But it can't be her can it?

The door swang open crushing in to the wall and enter two people. My eyes widened and a smile appeared on my face.
"Oh my God. Ethan! " I yelled as I ran to him trying to engulf him into a hug. But his hand stopped me half way. He slapped me a cross my face making me fall.
"Stay away or else there will be punishment" he said as he bent down to my level. W-what?  Did he just... Oh my God, is this what Damion was warning me about. I can't believe that he was telling the truth. Why the hell didn't I listen?

"Oh I see that after 3 days poor little Lexi is finally awake" the girl who just entered said, as she pulled my hair. The light couldn't reach her face, so I couldn't see properly but from her voice I recognise that it must be Lily. But how? Why? What? I am soo confused.

"Get up" The girl said, after hesitating I stood up and followed them both through a dark damp corridor into a cold room. After we reached the room I turned around and lunged at Ethan, attacking him with all I got. Let's just say it was enough to leave a bruise on his face and cut his lip.

"How could you?" I whispered before I punched him for the last time. Out of nowhere I was zapped by a ball of fire, burning my back. I turned around to see Lily with another ball of flame in her hand about to shoot again.

"What are you?" I whispered.
"A witch." was the only response I got from her before she shoot me with the ball of flame, making me collapse on top of Ethan.


What is happening? Poor Alex. She's been taken for 3 days so far. I wonder how many more days? Months? Years? Ha no, now I'm just exaggerating.

So anyways. I know this is late but I'd like to say HAPPY VALENTINES DAY... guess who my valentine was...... My bed, but then I cheated on it and found a new Valentine.... The TV.....

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