Chapter 41

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"Hey, wake up" I heard someone yelling at me, waking me from the only place, I could find some peace, my dreamland.

I opened my eyes, and came face to face with Ethan. He was crouching down near me. I groan before sitting up.

"Can't a girl get some sleep?" I replied really annoyed. I swear I've been here for a week and these guys have been waking me up before even the sun comes out.

"Well not today, Princess. Today's the day you'll be doing something for the sake of everyone." he said, standing up from his position and started walking around.

"But I'm telling you, its not easy." he said as if he was teasing me. I rolled my eyes. He looked at me but decided to let me off rolling my eyes.

"Your point?" I said, rubbing my eyes and yawning.
"Yeah, so you are going way out of your comfort zone, to obtain something that I need, that you need and everyone here needs. But you would have to wear... " he said, simply rolling out of his tongue. What does he mean out of my comfort zone?

He unlocked the cage, and told me to walk out. As I did, he came up to me with something behind his back.

"What do you mean out of my comfort zone?" I said as I backed away from him. I looked to my left and saw Rilyn, fast asleep as if she has no worries in her life. Huh that's not fair. I turned back to Ethan, and he stopped barely 3 feet away from me.

From behind his back, he revealed the most revealing outfit, I have ever seen in my life. It's a red dress, probably the shortest dress I've ever seen.

"I'm not wearing that." I yelled, as I threw it away from his hand, making it landing on the floor. He growled at me, his eyes turning red, his nose flaring. To say that I'm scared is an understatement, but I have my dignity left. I'm not gonna give that away by exposing my self.

"I'm not going to go around looking like a prostitute." I yelled, it's a surprise how Rilyn can sleep over all this yelling and noise.
"Are you sure? Not even to save an innocent girl from sudden death. " he said, licking his lips while looking a Rilyn.
"She'd make a perfect meal, you know? "

Oh gosh, does he really mean it. He wouldn't? Would he? No I can't be the cause of someone's death.

I pick the dress up, held it high just to see it more clearly. I am so gonna regret this. I signaled him to get out of the room. After a lot of argueing he finally decided to leave, said he has work to do and he'll see me later.

As soon as he left, I striped down my wet, ripped neon tank top and my lower thigh shorts.

It's only upto my upper thighs, a sleeve less red dress which only covers my backside. How in earth am I gonna do this?

I guess I'll have to go through with this. Maybe I'll have a greater chance at surviving or better yet escaping. Just then an idea clicks. I can escape, maybe run away, far from here.

I leaned against the door, closing my eyes to relax. When suddenly I felt this burst of energy rush through me making me feel better than I felt before. Something tells me that the wolfsbane has finally wore off.


I heard a familiar voice. A voice I know to well. Okay brain I get that I miss him, but that is no excuse to mess with me.

Alex. It said one last time before groan and going.

"Alex, it's not your brain, it really is Damion. " Ashley said. " He's trying to mindlink you"

"Oh Ashley, I missed you soo much. You have no idea how much. Quick question. How do I mindlink? I haven't done it well my entire life, since there was no one to mindlink. " Ash, chuckled and told me to think about him, every feature of him and then start talking. I did as she said. Let's hope it works.

"D-Damion" I say carefully. I don't want Ethan to know that the wolfbane has wore off. Or my only chance at survival is dead.

'A-Alex' Damion mindlinked back. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Oh gosh, how I missed that voice.

'Damion' I said back confirming, my presence.

'Oh gosh, I thought I'll never hear you again. I miss you so much.' he said, quickly as if I'm gonna leave again.

I said. 'Stop! Say it. Say 'I told you so'. Yell at me. Get angry at me. Gosh I should have listened to you. I'm sooo sorry, I let my anger for you blind me' I sniffled, tears running down my cheeks before I have the time to blink.
'Alex calm down. I'll get you out. I've got the others with me, we're all trying to help.' he said, assuring me he will save me. I guess I didn't believe him the first time and this is what happened. So this time, whatever the out come, I believe him and I trust him with my life.

'Thank you' I said barely above a whisper. He muttered a no problem.

'Alex, where are you? What are you doing? What are they doing to you? ' he said, all together.

"I-I don't know. But it's some abandoned place. Wait lemme see." I said, a little hole caught my sight, I walked upto the little hole through the wall on the top corner, peaking through it, to see what I can see.

'Umm, I still don't know where I am but the place is surrounded by trees, I can hear some kind of water source near by. It has a sign, where only the 'inn' is the most readable from all the others words. Today, they're taking me to retrieve something from someone, wearing the most shortest and revealing dress ever.' I said, but no response, don't tell me it got cut off. No, did he hear me? Fudging hell. That's not fair. Did he hear the things I said?

Just as I was thinking, the door behind starting pounding against my back. I moved from the door and in comes Ethan.

Oh fudge, this is where me and my dignity dies.....


Okay, you guys have every right to be mad, angry or might want to kill me. Wait no I'm pretty sure no one would like to kill me right. So sorry for not updating in 3 weeks. I had writers block. And plus I was working on another story, which has not yet been published yet. So yeah its a short story FYI.

Guys!!!!!!!! I hate you all. I mean I used to get thousand of notification that people have commented, but now I barely get 3 three. That is except for   IAmChocolateMonster
She always comments and votes. So thanks.

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