Chapter 30

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I know I'm late, this update was supposed to be up last night. So MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MY PEEPS AND READERS. I LOVE YALL.

"Owww" Ethan yelped. Just as I threw the glass he came in to the room and the glass hit him in the face before falling to the ground and smashing. My eyes widened to see what I did but I was even shocked at what state Ethan was in. Half his face was scraped, his arm was in a cast and he was using crutches. As soon as the glass hit him in the face, his crutch fell on the floor and he held his face, which now had a little bruise.

I ran up to him, well more like lingered to him. I cupped his face, and looked at him.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you." I said all in one breath as I looked at him with sad expression.
He looked at me as if he was observing me, his eyes traveled from my eyes to my lips to my body and then back up to my eyes. I looked at him, confusion written on my face. Few seconds later he blew out air in relief and everything in his face a second ago was replaced with a half hearted smile.
"It's okay. I'm not hurt see" he said as he removed his hand from his face. I bend down slowly and with my good hand pick his crutch up and handed it to him.
"What happened to you?" I asked as I cupped his face again.
"You wouldn't believe it, if I told you" he said. I rolled my eyes.
"Try me!" I said, firmly. I'm guessing it's something to do with Damion's state before. But I'm more than interested in hearing Ethan's story more than Damions.

"Aggh, fine. It was Damion." he said, which doesn't surprise me at all. But why would he do this.
"I know you're wondering how. I told you, you won't believe me." he said, removing my hand from his face, and looking down.
"Hey, I do believe you. But why? What happened?" I said "Let's sit" I sat back in the bed and moved to the end so there would be space for Ethan. He sat down and began telling me what happened.
"So I was just walking through the park, so I could come and see you. When I heard someone on the phone. I knew that voice sounded familiar so I looked around and saw Damion standing there, talking about how he would harm you, and said stuff about you I didn't like. What else was I supposed to do? Let him come and hurt you. No, no one comes and hurts my mate. When I said I'll protect you, he attacked me that's when he saw me in my venerable state, he thought I couldn't do anything, he thought that I was breathing my last breaths, so he told me all his plans, how he's gonna get you drunk, how he gonna take you and how he's gonna kill you. I tried to stop him from getting to you by fighting with him, he slammed me against the tree. And well you can see what he did to me. " he said, looking down at his body.
"That douchebag. I can't believe he would do such a thing, especially to you. You poor thing" I said, as I pulled his head to my shoulder, caressing his hair.

Damion, you are a f*cking bitch. First of all you reject me , then you bite my f*cking arm, then you go after Ethan. That's so low even for you. Like I said before and I'll say it again. I, Alexis Greyback HATE Damion Collins and nothing in the whole damn world would ever change that. He is the last person on earth that I would actually want to be fully mated with. Don't you ever forget that. I will come for you and when I do, don't think that I'll be weak like last night. That was only a bit of what I showed you, the best thing is yet to come. After I'm done with you, you can go to whatever bitch you want, weather it be Serena or someone else. I really don't care, cause I never want you back into my life.
Everyone else might say the moon goddess paired people together for a reason, but I think she made a huge mistake when it came to me. She paired me up with the wrong person. Even though every thing is in her hands she's not gonna change it, I'll change it.

After a few minutes of sitting in this position with me stroking his hair and his head now laying on my leg. He decided to break the silence.
"So do you wanna get out of here?" he asked, I instantly nodded. It's getting boring just sitting here. I need to see the sun and breath fresh air.

He smiled, as he stood up grabbing his crutch. (AN: You dirty minded freak. ;) Jk) while extending his hand for me to grab. I grabbed it and he pulled me up from the bed.
"What time is it?" I asked, as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.
"Umm 11 am" he said, I nodded and we made our way out of the room. We still have 3 hours until the next round of the tournament starts. I seriously doubt that I'll be able to participate, even though my shoulder is 79% healed. I have no idea of how that happened because never in my life have I ever healed that fast.

I don't know whether I'm through to the next round. But anyways a lot can happen in the next 3 hours.

As soon as we walked out of the infirmary, I was blinded by the sun. Ethan chuckled from next to me. I looked at him and smiled. We made our way to the tents. On the way, I saw Damion standing there talking to some people. He looked over at me and we made an awkward eye contact, before I gave him a dirty glare and walked off faster, pulling Ethan with me.

I need to calm down, nothings gonna happen. I have nothing I want to do with Damion. Nor with anyone.

I just need to focus on my life, and where it's heading. But that's the problem it's not only my life now, my life has crossed paths with Damion's and Ethan's.

So anyways, back to the tournament the first round was physical strength. The second is gonna be mental strength which is the hardest most intense race by the name of Spartans race. I've only heard about it through my old pack. I've never ever experienced one in my life. I honestly don't even know if I will be able to do it. I've searched about it so I have a rough idea of what kind of race it is. It does however involve getting muddy and dirty. So I'll need to wear something that I don't mind getting muddy.

I have to win this by any chance. So I can actually feel like I've achieved something in my life.


Poor Alexis, I just wish I could tell her what kind of two faced stinking lier Ethan is? Oh wait I can..... But I won't.... Not so soon.

I would like to say thank you to all the people who spend some more time after reading to comment, you are the people who motivate me to get up off my lazy ass and get to work.

Let's say there's not long to go for this story. Maybe 10 chapters left,( this is just a guess) but it could be more or could be less. Depends on my attitude towards the end of the story.

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Me And A Rejection  ✔ (REWRITTING) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα