Chapter 47

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"Where's the curler?"
"Where's my tights?"
"Hurry up, I need to take a shower"

Everyone was speaking at once, trying to get ready for the party. I was so happy to be back, you have no idea how much I missed being around the people I love, that is with an exception of a few that I don't know much about.

Such as Adele, she seems more tamed, she hasn't said anything mean to me or given me a dirty glare or anything. But she has been trying to ignore me for the past few hours I've been here. And then there Iris, Jason's mate, she seems nice and quiet but she's obviously not, she likes joking around and comes up with sarcastic remarks. Which I find pretty funny. But for some reason I feel awkward in her presence, maybe it has to do with the fact that it has been me and my brother most of my life, and now there his mate someone he shares the love with. But nevertheless we have been getting along.

"Lex, are you done?" Iris said, as she finished curling her hair then she started wearing her earrings, long dangling ones. I turned to her.
"Not really, I don't know what to do." I said, sitting in the bed. She finished wearing her earrings and walked up to me.
"Let's see if I can do anything about it." she handed me a hair brush. "Here, brush your hair while I go get you, your clothes."

I took the hair brush and she left out of the room. Seconds later Adele came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. As soon as she did, Renee ran into the bathroom. Awkwardly enough it was just me and Adele in the room.

She ignored me and walked over to the other side of the bed where some clothes were laid out and started putting it on.

"How much longer are you going to look at me?" she said out of no where, I looked away before I looked back at her and she had already put on some random hoddie and a tights.
"Sor- wait no 'get lost' or 'stay away from me', Adele you're starting to scare me" I said, this was actually scary I mean she is not at all the Adele she was 2 years ago.

"Yeah, I guess I realised that there is more to life than trying to put other people down." she said, pointing at the brush in my hand, I gave it to her she started brushing her hair. Then she walked over to me and sat next to me on the bed, I wanted to move a step back but I couldn't. She must have noticed me tensing.

"Alex, don't worry I'm not gonna do anything. I just wanted to-" she started as she held in my hand in hers.
"I just wanted to apologise. For you know... The stuff that I did. I was hoping we could somehow put that all behind us and start over." she said, I was stunned at her.

After a few seconds of silence she let go of my hand and started playing with her hair nervously.
"Umm.... This is usually the part where you would say something" she said, I looked at her and gave her a wholehearted smile, nodding my head.
"Sure, that would be awesome."

"Oh my gosh, I thought I would have to live with the guilt for the rest of my life. " she said out of breath, dramatically placing her hand over her heart. We both laughed.

"Okay now let get you ready for a party." she said grabbing my hands and pulling me up from the bed.

"Iris, hurry up." Adele yelled, seconds later Iris came into the room with her arms full of clothes.
"These are all the clothes I could find. " she said, spreading them all on the bed. Renee got out of the Bathroom in the clothes she was wearing and came to join us, in front of the bed.
"I call dibs on that one" Iris said, pointing to a short black bralette with straps which seemed to reach on the top of a belly button, and a thigh length turquoise skirt.

"Woah I never would have thought that you would go with that." I said. She looked at me and laughed.

"Okay This may be a little awkward for you, but I like teasing your brother" she said, while winking at me. I felt my cheeks go red and they all started laughing at me.

"Anyways, I'm gonna wear that one" Adele said holding up a white dress mid thigh length which had one strap on the right shoulder and slits down the side.

"Your turn Renee." Adele said, going to the corner to change into her dress.

Renee went through all the clothes, but she couldn't find one she liked. Until her eyes landed on a long floor length peachy dress which was tight round the top until around the thighs then it spreads out. Her eyes brightened as she looked at it.

"Omg that gonna look so good on you. Go wear it" I said as I pushed her in the opposite direction.

Now there was only me and the remaining dresses laid out on the bed. They all look nice but I go for the one is a dark blue mid thigh dress with laced sleeves.

Half an hour later we were all dressed, had done our hair and make up and was just putting on our finishing touches. As in jewellery, rings and earrings.

"Alex" I heard a voice call my name, we all turned our heads to the door and there I saw Rilyn standing, playing with her hands.

"Ryder said there's a party. I want to see a party" she said, playing with her hands nervously and running her hand through her hair. I quickly ran to the door and dragged her in, making her sit on the chair. I picked out a outfit for Rilyn, Renee did her hair, Adele did her make up and Iris picked out her accessories.

"Voila" the girls and I said in unison, to be honest I'm proud of our work. Rilyn stood up, looking into the mirror her mouth dropped when she saw her reflection. She turned to me and a few tears could be seen sliding down her cheeks and she ran to me hugging me tight.

"Thank you Alex" she said, then she let go of me and looked to the others "Thank you. I've never seen myself like this."

"Don't cry, you'll ruin your make up" Renee said wiping Rilyn's tears. "Now let's go have some fun." she jumped towards the door and whispered "I heard there's some alcohol involved. So see you girls" she said walking out the door, soon with all of us joining behind her.

Tonight's gonna be fun...


Guys I'm sorry but I think theres only one chappie left.

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