Chapter 18

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I woke up on a river bed by the sound of a waterfall, in a place that I've never seen before. There was bright green trees and grass, violet flowers, the view was breath taking. I looked down I was wearing a white knee high dresses.

'Where am I?' I said to myself as sat up and looked around, then I heard a rustling.
"Who's there?" I called out then, from behind a bush came a similar reflection of me but with midnight blue hair and a golden streak.
"Who are you?" I whispered loudly enough for both of us to hear. She walked closer and closer until she stood in front of me.

She held out her hand and I took it, helping me up from the ground.
"It's me, Ashley" she said. I looked at her confused. She's telling me she's my Wolf, I mean that would explain her hair.
"Wait, then aren't you supposed to be a Wolf?" I asked.
"Yeah, but in this place I can be anything I want." she said
"Oh okay. Speaking of this place, where is it?" I asked once again.

"Well I would say a figment of your imagination, but then it's not cause I'm really standing in front of you....
I have to get going now but you just go and enter though the white door. " she said and as soon as she finished she disappeared into thin air. Shortly after she left, a white door appeared. I started walked up to it and opened the door, it wasn't a normal small door but a huge door like the one at the Palace.

When I opened it, I walked in with no hesitation although I was a little scared. There I stood in the middle of a white room. Just a plain white room.

"Hello anyone here?" I yelled in the empty room. Obviously if it's an empty room, there would be no one here.

"Hello" I heard someone say, I looked around the room trying to find the body which the voice belonged to.

Suddenly from the ceiling, stairs appeared stopping a couple of feet away from me and some glowing light figure descended down the stairs in a long golden gown and her whole body was glowing. As she was walking down she said
"Days are shortening, nights are widening. My dear Pick one of the two, but pick wisely and carefully for one would take you down a path of lies and regrets, the other will start at the ground but eventually rise up to the sky. With one you will lose your biggest position, but with the other you'll gain something much more. Pick wisely and carefully for you only pick once."

She stopped half down the stairs.
"What do you mean by pick one? What am I supposed to pick?" I asked confused as I looked directly at her. She turned away and started walking back up.
"I'm sorry dear, that's all I can tell you for now. You will have to figure it out. But one more thing before I go 'pick wisely and quickly for there is not enough time left for one" she started walking again.

"No wait, tell me more. Who are you talking about? Who doesn't have enough time left? " I yelled but it was to late she had already faded away, leaving me here all alone.


"Lexi, Wake up. I've brought breakfast." I heard someone call which brought me back down to earth from whatever weird dream I was having yet it felt so real, I feel like whatever was said is some how true. It's like fate is telling me something but me being the idiot, don't understand.

"Lexi, you okay?" I heard the voice say, I turned my head around so I was facing Ethan. I rose my eyebrows as if to say 'really?! That's your question' he scrunched his eyebrows but after a few second lowered them again. I rolled my eyes and turned my head back around so I wasn't facing him.
I heard him sigh audibly.

"Fine, I see you are ignoring me. I'll leave your breakfast on the night stand. Oh and Alpha said to be ready by 3 o'clock, we'll all be going towards the arena to settling down at the site for the competition." he said. I just nodded and closed my eyes, thinking he was gone but seconds later I felt a soft gentle kiss on my forehead and with that he left.... I think.

Why does he always fight or do something that upsets us both and then he leaves with no indication of where, then the next day he comes and acts like nothing has happened? Why?

I looked back around, over my shoulder and saw an empty room, wait a sec this is not my room and I know for sure that this isn't Renee's room.

Why do I have a feeling that I'm in Ethan's room? Did Ethan bring me here? Eh who cares this bed is comfortable. But the other side of the bed was left untouched, did he not sleep here? I looked around the room until something caught my eye. He had placed his bed on the floor next to my bed. I sighed audibly and sunk back down into the bed.

What was that dream about 'pick one of the two'? What does that mean? Pick one out of what two? Who was the lady who told me this? What does it mean 'one would take me down a path of lies and regrets and one will start at the ground but eventually rise up to the sky' how is that possible 'to start at the ground but eventually rise up? Unless it has another meaning.

I need to figure this out quickly, like the spirit said there's not much time left for one of them. But for now I need to start packing, for the tournament which is 2 days away. I'm ready to kick some butt.

Guys after this chapter I'll update when ever I feel like it. So I hoped you enjoyed.

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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