Chapter 20

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Two and a half hours of running, walking and resting, we still have half an hour of running left. But I honestly don't mind, I'm used to running.

Why are the same questions coming again and again? Ever since the day I attacked the pack, I catch myself asking the same questions over and over. Will Damion want me? What will happen at the tournament? What will I do? Am I ready to face my past? And so on. Literally give me a break.

Suddenly the lady's voice came in to my head 'pick one of the two' 'one will take you a down a path of lies and regrets' 'one will start at the ground and eventually rise up to the sky'......

'pick one of the two'.....' pick one of the two'...... My eye widened as I came into realisation. OH MY GOD!!! How could I be so blind and stupid to not figure this out sooner. 'pick one of the two' mean pick either Damion or Ethan.

"Me and who?" I heard someone say, I looked to where the sound had come, and I found Ethan. I looked at him confused.
"You suddenly called my name with someone else's" he said, shit did I really shout their name out loud.
"Oh, nothing I was. Just. Listing.... umm all my friends?" I scratched my neck, obviously trying to cover up my mistake. Luckily he dropped the conversation or else I would have died from speechlessness. Is that even a real word? Who cares?

"How long do we have left?" I asked Renee, which was walking in front of me.
"Not long, do you see that hill over there, behind that." she said, I nodded and went back to thought.

But if 'pick one of the two' means pick either Ethan or Damion. Which will take me down a path of lies and regrets? My bet's on Damion. It obviously must be him, right? But then it can't, because I haven't seen him in like forever so he hasn't had anything to lie to me about. But neither has Ethan. Aghh I'm back at square one, again.

The spirit lady also said 'there's not much time for one.' What could that possibly mean? Could it mean one is gonna die, or probably find a new mate, and leave me. But who?

"Lexi, we're here." Renee said. I looked over to where the pack was heading, it was a really big camp site, with loads of small, probably 2-4 person, tents scattered all over the site. Looks like some packs have already arrived. Renee walks to her tent and I walk to mine.

While I'm busy staring at the small tent that I'll be spending the next couple of days in, I hear someone call my name, a rather familiar voice. I turn around and see Ryder. Without thinking, I run up to him, jumping and instantly engulfing him into a hug. At first he looks shocked but then he hugs me back.
"I've missed you so much" I said then I heard a growl come from behind me I let go of the hug and turned to see Ethan, with his eyes covered in jealousy. I started at him with my eye furrowed.

"No just No. Just because you're my mate doesn't mean you control my every move. I'll be hugging loads of people, you can't growl at every single of them." I said to him. If he was protective of me, he wouldn't leave me alone in the middle of the night. Hell he wouldn't even leave the room and yet here he is, growling at someone I've known more longer than him.

He gave Ryder one last glance before storming off into my tent. Oh well I'll sort that out later. I turn my heel back and face Ryder and smiled.

"Umm.... Who was that?" Ryder pointed at Ethan who was now inside my tent.
"Oh him, he's my mate" I said. He looked at me.
"Really! What about your other one?" Ryder asked confused. The only people who know about Damion is Lucas, Ryder and Renee. No else knows, well I don't have anyone else to tell.
"That's enough about my love life" I laughed. He smiled and rolled his eyes.

"So... where the hell did you disappear to? I nearly had a mini heart attack when Lucas said you ran away! Do you know how worried you had me?" he finished his sentence with his hand on my arms, shaking me the life out of me.
"Okay okay, that's enough or else I'm gonna hurl" I said as I tried to move his hand from my arms.

"Oh sorry....." he took his hand off, "so tell me really what happened? Is it something to do with Lucas? If it is I swear I won't spare him!" he started to walk off to Lucas's direction but before he could do that I grabbed his hand and spun him back to his original spot.

"No, it's not" I said "Well it sort of was but that's not the point....."

I explained everything from Lucas dumping me, to me being kidnapped, to becoming crowned princess to having a party and seeing Damion, to me standing right here and talking to him.

"Well I must be going and start unpacking some stuff. I'll see ya later. By the way I love your hair now. " Ryder said as with that he disappeared from plain sight and headed to his tent. I better get going too and I have to at least apologise.

I walked over to my tent, with the bag I brought and placed it inside the tent, where Ethan was sitting up with his leg stretched out , staring into space. I went and sat down next to him and laid my head on his chest and wrapped my arms around his torso. He woke up from his trance and looked at me confused.

"I'm sorry" I looked up at him "I'm really sorry for being so harsh. I've just got a lot going on lately ." I moved my head off of his chest and placed it on his leg. I'm so tired, I can sleep for years.

"What's the time?" I asked in between my yawn. Ethan took his phone out and checked the time.
"It's now, 10 to 8. Go to sleep kitten, we have a rough day ahead tomorrowa" he bend down and kissed my forehead. I couldn't help but smile at his small gesture.

"I'm sorry." he said and that's the last thing I remember before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.

Guys hoped you liked it.

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

Me And A Rejection  ✔ (REWRITTING) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora