Chapter 25 Part 2

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*Ashley's POV*

Once I felt that Alex is gone, I took over completely, I've been waiting for this more than Alex. It's not that I don't like Damion, I do. I really do. But the way he's treated us is beyond words. Damion might act tough and strong on the outside, but he still has a good heart. I know it, he might not show it to Alex, but I've seen him with his friends and Uncle and he is far from this.
There's Ethan as well, I love him but
sometimes I can't sense his Wolf. I mean a times the pull is really strong and then sometimes it's not there. Which really shocks me, like this morning I felt nothing when I was with him, not even a tiny spark.

Aghh Ashley focus, you did not take over just to speak to your self.

I looked over at Damion, he was just standing there, probably debating with him self. He had furthered away from me. Damion get ready cause Imma show you that Karma can be a badass b*tch.

I ran up to him and half way through I fully transformed, into Wolf form and landed on Damion with my paws on his shoulders and him laying on his back. He looked at me like I had grown another head.

I walked off of him and let him change. Once he changed he ran up to me and tackled me to the ground with his paws holding my paws down and his legs holding my legs down. In this position I'm hopeless I can't move unless....

I pulsed my head up and bite his neck, really hard, I'm sorry but that's gonna leave a mark. He stumbled next to me, and howled. I took this as my chance to beat him.

I ran up to him and bit his leg. He collapsed on the ground with a loud thump and I pulled him across the ground probably scraping him in the process.

He looked warned out, like everything in his body was dead, he's probably hurting.... or so I thought. The next scene happened in the blink of an eye. He got up and jumped on me. We both rolled until Damion was back on top. He locked his teeth and bit down at the end of my shoulder . He depened his teeth, I let out a loud howl. Never in my life have I felt such pain. The pain is excruciating.

I heard people running up trying to take Damion off, but he won't budge. He still had his teeth in my arm. I swear if he pulls, we'll probably die.

I feel a pounding in my head, telling me to just give in. My eyes fluttering shut. I decided to wait a little longer before giving up.

I suddenly felt the teeth being pulled out of my skin and Alex's blood pouring everywhere. In the darkness of my eyes, I see Damion change back to human with his eyes widened, as he stepped back. I can't do this no more.

I'm so sorry Alex, for this happening. It's all my fault that you're hurt, I shouldn't have attacked him. Instead of making him regret, I regret everything. .

I finally gave in to and put Alex back in control......

Guys hoped you enjoyed. Again I'm gonna thank each and every one of ya for taking your time to read this.

I'm accepting any fan art or anything that you are wiling to give in place for a shout out or dedication in a chapter.

FOLLOW (I will follow back)

If there's any mistakes or any requests you want me to add into the story feel free to inbox me and I'll see you all in the next chapter.

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