Chapter 42

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Okay,So the next few chapters might be a little fast pacing just because I want to wrap the story up. Enjoy.


"What! Thats the plan." I repeated shocked. I refuse to do such thing.

This has got to be the most disgusting plan I've ever heard. They both nodded, Ethan and his sidechick.
"I'm afraid so, it's the only way we get the necklace." Ethan said, leaning the door.

"A necklace?! I'm doing all this for a stupid worthless necklace" I yelled, at him. He growled and slapped me cross the face. I raised my hand to my cheek, as my face whiplashed.

"Why do you always slap?" I said, straightening my posture. Looking down at my dress, I don't know whether to pull it up, or stretch it down. That's how short it is.

"So anyways, You go down the ally way, try to get as close to the leader as possible. But do it slowly and patiently since he has two of the strongest bodyguards the world has ever known, just get close enough to snatch the necklace from his neck. It's the one with the red ruby in the middle. Do it gently so that he doesn't notice. If he does notice then don't bother coming back cause we'll be long gone. So bottom line, don't get caught. Understood? " he said, repeating the stupid plan again. Why on earth can't this witch do it? Why am I being dragged into this.

"Why the alleyway?" I asked, imagining the long dark alleyway made me shiver.
"It's their hang out. Understood the plan? " he asked again.

I rolled my eyes for the thousandth time today. " Yes. Just like the 20 other time you repeated the plan today."

"Oh and hand him this" Lily said throwing a duffle bag near my feet. By the looks of it, it looks really heavy.
Ethan clapped his hands together, told Lily to get Rilyn into the car and he blindfolded me before he grabbed my wrist tightly taking me over to the car. Sitting at the back was me and Rilyn, curled up in a ball on the seats, I'm starting to think that she's not sleeping. She's been drugged. At front was Ethan and the side chick. Its so obvious why she's doing these things, she likes Ethan, and she's trying to get on his good? No bad, no good... side? Which doesn't seem to be happening. Ha funny.

The car suddenly started to move, meaning that Ethan had started driving. On the way there, my mind was travelling and wondering to what Damion and the others must be doing. Are they looking for a plan? If they are, do I take Rilyn with me or not? Yes I must, I can't just leave her knowing I can try to save her. The poor soul has been trapped for 8 years watching people she loves just either die in front of her or escape without her. She needs to see the real world, she needs to act like a normal teenage girl, so my answer is final, I will try and take her with me. Buy what if I'm given a chance to run away before that. Mmmm I could take it then come back for Rilyn. Yeah sounds like a plan.

By the time my thinking finished, I felt that the car had stopped moving.

Ethan took my blindfold off, making me go blind for a second or two, I waited for my eyes to refocus.

"Did you hear me?" Lily said, filing her nails. I shook my head, she rolled her eye and repeated.

"Don't get caught, if you do we'll be long gone. They don't know us, but don't you dare say our names in front of them." She said, pointing her nail file at me. I got out the car, adjusting the dress so at least some parts are covered. I've got my hair in a braid, a long fishtail braid.

I took a deep breath. It can't be that bad, they're not that scary are they? What if they do catch me, I wouldn't ever be going back home. No no no that won't happen.

"Are you gonna go? Its the 2 alleyway down" They asked annoyed, I put my hands up in surrender and started walking towards the alleyway. The night sky was dark, making everything around the place a thousand times scarier.

With the massive bag in my hand, I turned at the alleyway corner. Suddenly a familiar scent filled the air, it was a scent that I wanted to forget. It can't be him.

I composed myself and walked deeper into the alleyway. It got scarier and scarier by the second. As I got deeper into the alleyway, the more I could see dark shadows moving around. Soon I came face to face with 2 people who were smoking, while they had one leg to their chest and the other hanging off the boxes.

"Yo, Bash. I thought you said there won't be any girls today." one of the guys said, taking out the cigarette. The so called Bash came from the darkness, I could only see his shadow. As he got closer the scent got more clearer. No it must be him, there is no one in the whole world who smells like him.

"They're wasn't gonna be" Bash said, blowing a puff of smoke in my face. I accidentally inhaled the smoke, making me cough uncontrollably.

He laughed at my suffering and then looked deep into my eyes, I felt intimated in his presence. He was so well build and I was just like alittle kitten in his presence.

"Do I know you?" He said roughly, putting the cigarette back in to his mouth.
"I don't think so. "

I looked at him more clearly, he had the same brown eyes with a hint of green, the same jet black hair. The resemblance is a hundred percent. But it's impossible. He's long gone. The name slipped out of my mouth with me actually thinking.

"Wait.... S-Sebastian!" I placed my hand over my mouth in shock and stumbled backwards, shaking my head. His eyes widened as he stared at me.

"B-but you were d-dead" I managed to mutter out as I hit the wall behind me. "I-I saw you die, I remember everything. I don't want to remember the attack." I said holding my head in my hands.
"but I'm not dead" he said, suddenly I felt someones presence next to me, hugging me. I found myself melt in his grip just like I did 5 years ago.

"Oh my gosh, it really is you Lex. " he said, hugging me tighter. I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him back. I did the last thing I would have expected at this time, I cried on his shoulder. He released me from the hug and stood in front of me.

"What are you doing here?" he said, then he looked down at my outfit. "I would have never thought that you would become a hooker."

I rolled my eyes.
"I'm not, I was forced too. I was here for business before I knew it was you."

"mmm, lemme guess Ethan and his side chick" he said as he exhaled smoke again. I nodded.
"wait how did you know?" I replied. He laughed.
"They always do that, last time it was a little brunette girl dressed in the same are you working for them? Cause if you are then I'm afraid your just another enemy to us. " he said taking out his gun from the back of his belt and pointing it at me. I instantly shook my head and raised my hands in surrender position.

"I don't. I was kidnapped. I swear" I quickly added holding my throat. He lowered his gun, but still kept his position.
He pointed at me, signalling the guys behind him to do something.

"Check her." he said. The two guy came up to me, one of them searched the bag and and one of them searched me, by that I mean touched me.

"She's clear" they both said at the same time. He signalled them to return to him and they went to stand behind him.
"Come on, Bash. You knew me for a year and a half. You have got to help me. I beg of you." I said, he gave out a chuckle and smiled.
"good to have you back, buddy." Bash said, I replied with "you too, old friend" before smiling.

"Fine, heres what we do" he said, as he brought us all into a group huddle, and started telling us the plan. Something tells me I'm getting out of here. But I'm not leaving Rilyn alone. She's coming out with me.


I know what you're thinking. Who is Sebastian? What are they planning? Or the most important one 'ekkk another character to remember' have don't worry Bash is only her for a chapter or two or three. I don't know.

Thank you for reading, I started a new book it's called' True Feelings' you can find it on my profile. Go check that out.

Me And A Rejection  ✔ (REWRITTING) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat