22: Run

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Jen's POV

The next day, I woke up to crying. It was Taylor's. I quickly got up and got her out of the crib, but she didn't stop.

I set her down to get out her blanket to help calm her down and she threw up. All over the floor. I dropped the blanket back in the crib and took her to the bathroom to clean her up.

"Honey, how do you feel?" I ask concerned and scared.

"Hot and sicky," she says looking down.

"Ok, let's get you cleaned up and we can spend a day on the couch," I reply. Maybe she just has a stomach ache. I clean her up and put her in clean pajamas. I grabbed her blanket, giraffe, bear-thingy, and teddy bear. We head downstairs to the couch. And snuggle up together. She starts burning up, so I undress her to just her diaper. To try to keep her cooler. She sweating a lot.

"Hey, what's wrong?" My mom says as she walks in to the room. We were sitting on the couch kinda dozing off and on. It's around like 10:00am and I have been up like 3 hours. Taylor has thrown up like 4 times. Nothing will stay down. So we just sit there with a bucket on the couch.

"Taylor's sick," I say.

"How do you feel sweetie," my mom says.

"Sicky" Taylor says.

"Ok we can hang out here," my mom says.

"Oh, no. Don't change the plans because of us, just go on I can take care of this," I say.

"Well, Jen. We all want to spend time with both of you," she says sitting down next to us.

"Well I don't want us to do nothing," I say.

"We could do something else, like board games and movies," she says.

"Ok, later when Taylor gets better we can go to the camp," I say. I still wanted to go, but I knew that the cold wouldn't be good for her.

"Ok I am going to go make breakfast," she says walking to the kitchen.

"Aright," I yell back to her.

"Jen could you be quieter. Your brother is still sleeping," she says in a normal tone.

"Ok," I still yell back.

"Jen," she says getting irritated.

"Alright," I say normally.

"Momma?" Taylor says looking up.

"Yeah," I say looking in to her beautiful brown eyes.

"My head hurts," she says, in a sad voice.

"On a scale 1-10 how bad 10 being the worst and 1 being it doesn't hurt at all," I say more concerned.

"Bad really bad," she says with a hurt expression, "Can I sleep now?"


"Goodnight, I lowve you," she says. That's the first time I have ever heard her says that. Oh my god.

"I love you too," I say with a huge smile. She curls up in my lap and falls asleep.

The family comes and we play quiet games, so we don't wake Taylor up. She sleep for like 5 hours straight.

We were putting a puzzle together, I try to not to move much because Taylor was still curled up in my lap. Every Time someone got a piece in we silently cheered and threw our hands in the air. This went on for like 3/4 of the puzzle, then Taylor's started to stir.

"HI, HELLO," she was yelling really, really loud.

"Shhh, shh, I and right here, honey," I say, but confusion spreads across her face.

"WHAT? WHAT DID YOU SAY?" She says louder than the last time. This time I just put my finger on my lips, silencing her. The I pointed to my ears, and then her.

"I can't hear, anything, my head hurts, I am tired," she yells back. I put my finger on my lips and turn to everyone else.

"I am taking her to the hospital," I say a lot more concerned than this morning.

"Yeah and we are all coming," Blaine says. I get up, grab Taylor, and run, no sprint to the car. I jump in the back. Dad comes out with the keys, Mom with a bag, Blaine with Taylor's stuff, and Ben and Carly with Cody. We load up in two cars my parents and Ben's.

Just as we pull out, Taylor barfs luckily in the bag and not me. What is going on? She can't hear, she is sleepy, and keeps throwing up.

Edited: 9-8-16

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