48: Big Girl

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Taylor's POV
I am very proud, I remember everything now. Everything. Like the beach when Mommy was filming a movie, when she was a burrnett, what the casts nicknames were. Joshy, Jenny, Willow, Sammy, Woody, and Lizzy. Also, Phillip, Juliane, Natalie, and Mahershala. Plus there is Isabelle, Jackie, Amandla, Dayo, Xander, and more.
Everything came flooding back last night all because of a song or actually Ally. I love Ally, she is nice. Today I get a big girl bed and we are starting Potty training which I don't understand. Apparently I am not suppose to wear diapers after age 2. But I am. So momma is gonna help me so I can wear big girl underwear soon. She is having Josh come over to set up the bed later.
"Taylor come here!" She shouts. I go and find her in the bathroom, installing something.
"Come here, it's time you learn to use the potty," she says taking my hand and dragging me to the toilet.
"Ok so you sit down here, and go to the bathroom instead of going in your diaper. You aren't gonna wear a diaper no more. You can wear underwear. And at night you will wear a pull up. And every time you need to go tell and adult and they will come help you. Ok?"
"Ok," I say.
"As a reward you will get candy, 2 for a number 1 and 4 for a number 2," she says.
"Yay! Candy!" I says happily.
"Alright let's start," she says. Here's what is suppose to happen everytime I use a bathroom.
1) Get an adult
2) make it to the bathroom in time
3) make sure my pants are down while sitting on the toilet with the special seat thing
4) after I do my business wipe
5) pull up my pants and wash my hands
6) get candy if I go, which she nicely put out of my reach
7) leave the bathroom
This is gonna get annoying.
We finish up and organize the bathroom, setting up the bathroom in my room too. We have a stool in each bathroom, a drawer of new underwear and a bowl of candy higher than my reach. Once we finish the doorbell rings and I go down first. I look through the window to see Josh. Just for fun I reach in my tippy toes and lock the door. Then I walk innocently to the kitchen.
My mom comes bouncing down the stairs, and tries to open the door, it's usually unlocked. After a few tries of trying to pull it open, she notices it's unlocked and lets him in. I was watching out of her sight. I just smirked at her difficulty.
I sneak back to the kitchen and they come, well I thought they would, through the Family room.
"Boo," someone screams behind me. I jump and scream, it scared me so bad I start crying. My mommy comes through the family room, to see me crying and Josh behind me.
"Josh!" She yells sternly when she comes to comfort me. I am kinda shook up, but not bad. I instantly wrap my arms around her. She kneels down and hugs me back.
"We'll get him back," she whispers in my ear.
"Ok," I pull back to look at her. She wipes the tears off my cheeks and kisses me on the cheek.
"Josh for a punishment, you get to wait hand and foot on Taylor, for 24 hours when we press tour for Mockingjay," Momma says in a serious tone to Josh. He puts on a pouty face. I mimicking him, and we all laugh.
They go upstairs and get to work on my big girl bed. It's white, with purple. We are putting the crib in the basement. Tomorrow Momma is gonna paint the walls purple with a medium green accent color. Then I get to help hang decorations. It's gonna be a week process, but it will be so awesome when it's done. Plus I get to see Momma's friends more.
They finish the bed, in the mid-afternoon. An accomplishment is I've only had 3 accidents on the first day. Mommy wasn't very happy. She had to help me clean up. And I didn't get candy. I've only got candy once, this whole day. Now I have to go to Quiet time or Nap time. I get to sleep in Mommy's bed cause mine needs sheets, pillows, and a mattress.
But yay!
Jen's POV
I can't believe how fast Taylor grew up. She looks like she is two but she's really three, that year kinda stunted her growth that year. I remember picking her up out of the older worn out car seat that was on my front doorstep. I remember how little she used to be. I remember how I trustful she was and kinda still is. I remember introducing her to everyone.
Today, has been kinda irritating; Taylor crapped herself twice today and peed herself once. She only told me once that she had to go once. Currently I don't have to worry, she's in a pull up and down for a nap. Josh left after she went down and I have the house to myself.
I guess I can watch Homeland, Dance Moms, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, or Once Upon a Time.
I already watched Homeland, I am up to speed on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and Dance Moms isn't the same without Chloe. But Once upon a time I need to finish the 3rd season. I am only on the second half. I need to know what happen with Emma and Henry, they are living a fake life. I play season 3 from when I left off.
And that's how I spend most of my day. I wake Taylor up after a 3 hour nap. We have hot dogs and Mac & Cheese for dinner. Before I got Taylor ready for bed, I put a mattress and made the bed for her. Tomorrow I get to paint, and in like 2 weeks we are both going to Boston to film Joy. Taylor is coming cause there will be other children there, and I want her to meet David and Bradley.
I tuck Taylor in after teeth are brushed, a story is read, and pajamas are on.
"Goodnight Taylor. I love you," I say then kiss her forehead.
"Goodnight Mommy. I love you," she says. I walk out with a smile, quietly close the door and go back downstairs to hang out with the couch and the Tv. Once I get tired, I lock the doors, turn off the lights/tv and head to bed.

Yeah I know not an ideal update but it's an update and evens out the number this weekend compared to the normal ones.
Who scared you so bad you cried?
My older brother. He tricked me into think he had a Cricket and it would jump out at me (it was a piece of dirt from his cleats). When he opened his hand I jumped, screamed and then cried. My mom made him do clean up the kitchen after dinner alone, instead of me helping him.

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