27: First Time Santa

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BTW: changed the tittle; What do you think?

Jen's POV

I wake up at like 5 am. I love Christmas. My parents said no one can leave their rooms till 8:00 am. I have three hours to do something. I look around my old room and there is nothing to do. Taylor is sleeping and all my toys and stuff is a my house in LA. Great. Now what do I do. I guess I will try sleeping. I roll over and over trying to find sleep. I must make it there because when I open my eyes again. Taylor is up and it's 7:04 according to my alarm clock, I left here. I go and get her out on the crib and bring her back to bed with me. We just snuggle together. Not talking, but smiling. I finally break silence about 20 mins later.

"Merry Christmas!" I say in a loud whisper.

"Merwy Christmwas" she replied, smiling as my smile got bigger. 

"What should we do?"


"We can't it's against the rules," I say laughing in my head about the way she talks.

"What wules" she say with a pouty face.

"Grandpa and grandma's rules," I say trying not so let out the laugh I have been holding in.

"Go?" She says and points to the door.

"Not for another" I check my phone,"35 mins."

"No fun," she says pouting again.

"Let's watch a video," I says.

"K" she says trying to get my phone.

"Let me type it in," I say still having my hand as far away from her as I can. Last time I let her type, it didn't go well we were supposed to watch some Winne the pooh thing, we watched something related to " eommr yjr oiij"

"What do you want to see" I ask.

"Sonwg," she says like I should know what it is. After a while I remember what Blaine told me when I had gotten back from New York. I typed in "Taylor Swift Never Grow Up" and click on the first one to pop up.

I wonder why Blaine thought of that song first. It had the lyrics and the song. Taylor was cuddled in my right arm and started to slowly doze off. I watched that video a few more times, before I fell under.

When we both woke up from Blaine yelling "Jen get up it's time for you to eat breakfast, Now! Let's go I am done waiting on you, I want to open presents," through the halls. I quickly got up. I mean who wouldn't want a homemade breakfast by their mom. I grabbed Taylor setting her on my hip and ran toward his voice. Sure enough he had food, but he said it wasn't for me, but his favorite niece. So Taylor. I made a fake sad face, as I stomped toward the kitchen and got myself a plate, with food piled high.

"Wait did Santa come," I say as my Dad walks in.

"Yes, it's all in the family room," he says pointing in that direction.

"Ok, I'll go get my camera," I muffle out as I am shoving food in my mouth. Taylor is juts eating normally, I eat like I won't see food ever again.

"Here let me take Taylor while you go get the camera," he says reaching for her. She was sitting on my lap as we were eating.

"I don't know, Dad. She doesn't like that many people to hold her," I say cautiously.

"Well, wish me luck," he says as he lifts Taylor off my lap, and I run to get my camera. As I go I hear, screams and sobs. Great, she is crying on one of the best days of the year; I am thinking. I find my camera in my purse, then grab her blanket, and dash back to the kitchen. She stopped crying and is just screaming bloody murder.

"I WANT MY MOMMY," is what she keeps shrieking.

"Hey, shhh. Honey, I am right here. Shh. It's okay, you are with me," I say as I go over to them, get her from my dad, as he rubs his ears, hand her her blanket and set her in my lap. We finish eating and gather right out in front of the doorway to the family room.

"Hey mom, can you film us on my camera?" I ask before we start.

"Yeah, where the camera?" She says.

"Here it is, thanks," I reply.

"Can we go yet," Blaine says getting annoyed and rolling his eyes.

"Yep, in three, two, wait how do you press play?" Mom says and we all roll our eyes. I show her how to work it, I don't really I know but I do know the picture button and the record and stop recording.

"Ok three, two, one, go!" She yells and we all go get our stockings and join Taylor in the family room, which is curiously looking around.
From Santa she got dolls and accessories and clothes. Plus a small purple backpack that has her name in white. Also a CD player with 3 CDs already. In her stocking she got socks, lip balm, good smelling soap, and candy.

"Can I have some of your candy, Taylor?"

"No mommy, it's frowm Santwa," she says innocently.

"Ohh Jen, you just got owned by a two year old," Blaine adds.

"Two and 1/3" I say correcting him.

"Whatever," he says with an annoying tone.

"What did you get?" I ask him.

"Socks and coal? What about you?" Blaine asks.

"Candy, Santa loves me," I say smirking. I put the bag of coal in his stocking. It's candy but he doesn't know because it's in a bag that makes it look like real coal.

"Santwa no lovwe you?" Taylor asks Blaine.

"I don't know," he says glaring at me. We all crack up after a few mins like this.

"I don't know either," I say though my laughs, "Merry Christmas through!"

"More?" Taylor says with puppy eyes.

"I don't know ask grandpa and Grandma," I say.

"Can we?" She says with her pouty face and puppy eyes.

"You open the ones from you mom, save the rest from when Uncle Ben gets here," mom says, no one can say no to Taylor's face.

"Okay," she says with a big smile, "Come, mommy let's go get them." She pulls my hand, I get up and follow her to our massive tree and start looking for the packages that I shipped for her. There is 5 total, I have four and she has one. We carry them back to the living room and begin.
There is 1 with multiple outfits, one with 2 new stuff animals, one with a box of CDs, one with an I-pad mini and one with a case and headphones for the iPad. I don't want her to be a brat, but a kid should get a little spoiled on Christmas.

We begin to pick up the wrapping paper, when we start a war. Throwing it everywhere and it lands everywhere around the main floor. Me and Blaine really get in to it, and have to be broken up by our parents. We are really competitive if you haven't noticed.

We all change in to comfortable clothes, like I have sweatpants and a t-shirt on and Taylor is still in her pajamas. Taylor and I play with her new toys and step up the I-pad, with music, games, movies, and of course Netflix.

We set up the CD player with Blaine's help, had a dance party, which included my horrible dancing.

Blaine and his family came, we played, ate, and opened presents. Taylor got more CDs and I got food and new boots. Good thing is that Blaine wrote instructions for the CD player so when someone isn't here to help me, I can just read his notes. Bad thing is we leave in two days. The day ends and we all trudged to bed, with visions of candy corn in our heads, just kidding. Wouldn't that be funny.

I believe you guys wanted me to continue. Thanks for having 1.18k reads, that's so cool and awesome. Thanks, please continue to comment, vote, and as always Keep reading. I am starting a new thing where I leave random questions for you to reply to called Question of the chapter (QC)

QC: What had been you best Christmas present so far?


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