68: We Promised

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Jen's POV
After Austin's story last night, he asked for my permission for a DNA test. I told him would think about it.
I've been dreading just talking about it. This could end in many ways. I don't want to keep Taylor from finding her dad. I also don't want her to leave with him. I want to keep Taylor, I love her and have been with her for almost 3 years. She knows me better than Austin and right now can't even comprehend what has happened. She heard the story but not the reason. She was curled up sleeping by that time.
I don't know what to do. This could change everything. I don't get why they didn't ask earlier. They said they weren't sure about Taylor so that's why.
It's like 2 am I think I try to sleep.
"Good morning Taylor," I whisper when she crawled in my bed.
"Morning Mommy," she said back.
"Do you know what a Dad is?" I say.
"No, Ally has one though and so does Logan and Skylar, and Cody," she said.
"I do too. A dad is the father of a family. He can be the person biologically related or your adopted father. Austin last night thinks that you are his long lost daughter. He wants to have you take a test to find out. I have to allow you first," I say.
"What's bio-bioloic-biological?" Taylor says.
"It's when parts of your DNA match your Mommy's or Daddy's DNA. You are my daughter but since I didn't give birth to you, we don't have the same DNA," I say.
"What's DNA?" She says.
"Parts that make you you," I reply.
"Austin is my Dad, Maybe?" She says, but scoots closer to me.
"Yeah, maybe honey," I say and rub her back.
"Is he gonna take me away?" She say.
"No, no honey. Remember a long time ago when I said you babe ADHD and asked you if you wanted to come to Hawaii with me. I promised you I'd never ever leave you, remember?" I said.
"Kinda, but now I do," she said.
"Good, let's call Josh, Liam and Grandma later today, ok?" I said.
"Oktay," I hear her whisper back.
Taylor is outside playing on the trampoline. I'm inside trying to set up FaceTime on the iPad.
Almost done, just need to find my iCloud password. I think it's in the stack of papers I stuffed in a drawer. I'm looking and looking. And there it is.
It's my birthday and Cody's old nickname. Bear081590 I type in the box, and boom we are up and running. I press on Josh's name first. Then I get up to call Taylor inside.
"Taylor you want to talk to Josh?" I yell at her as she's bouncing.
"Yeah," she says and climbs down the ladder.
"Ok coming to the kitchen," I say. She comes in and drops her shoes by the door. Then comes over to me. I'm waiting for the thing to connect to the other thing.
"Hey, come here, how was the tramp?" I say.
"Fun, I went this high," she says and holds her hand as high as she can.
"Awesome," I say.
"Yeah," she says.
"Hello?" Someone says on the other line.
"Oh hi josh," I say.
"Oh hey Jen and Taylor, how's life?" He says.
"We have a tramp," Taylor responds.
"Oh is it fun?" He says.
"Yeah, I go high," she says.
"Yup," I say. We both talk to Josh for a good 20 minutes then Taylor goes and gets Pippi to play with. Surprisingly, when I paid to have Pippi trained, she is also good with Taylor. It's wonderful.
"Ok so here's the really reason I called you, Austin, Taylor swift's brother has a long lost daughter who he presumed is Taylor. He sai his girlfriend committed suicide and he was told that the baby was dead. But found out that she wasn't a year or less later. So he's been look forever. He found the birth certificate and it had his name and the baby's name as Brooklyn Riley Swift. But Taylor's name would be Taylor Ann Swift. Which is too close to Taylor Alison Swift. So there that problem. He wants to have Taylor take a DNA test, but he needs my permission," I spit out extremely quickly.
"Ok, he wants to take a DNA test, and you have to give Taylor permission," Josh repeated.
"Yeah, what would you do?" I said.
"I'd say yes," he said. I waited to respond because it was sinking in.
"Ok, why?" I said.
"What would it hurt if it doesn't match? If it does than deal with that later, right?" He said being his wise self.
"Yeah you right," I said.
"Jen how are you honestly? I know you and him broke up, and you haven't done much in days, what's up," he said.
"I'm on my why to being better, I thinking of getting a house in Kentucky so I can be closer to my Family," I said.
"That's good, also if you want there is a house that's for sale down my street. If you've got a free day, come down her and we all can go look at it," he said.
"Thanks I'll consider it," I said.
"Ok, I've got to go, Connor and I are going to have a friendly BB gun war, wish me luck, I love you," Josh said.
"I love ya too, good luck," I said and hung up. I called Liam he said about that same. So did my mom. I better talk to Taylor.
"Taylor," I shout. She comes out from her room.
"Yeah?" She says making her way down the stairs.
"What do you want? Do you want to take the test or not?" I say.
"I don't care," she's very nonchalant about things.
"Would you like to find you biological parents?" I say.
"Um, I don't understand?" She says confused.
"Ok, you know that story i tell about you showing up on my doorstep?" I say picking her up and walking to the couch to plop down.
"Yeah, what about it?" She says.
"Well, that's how I met you, your biological parent would know you because they gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, you who has grown to a beautiful, smart child," I say.
"Oh," is all I hear.
"So what do you think take it or not?" I say.
"Take it," she says a little unsure. But for a 4 year old this is a giant decision.
I get off the couch and take Taylor with me. I walk to the kitchen and dial Taylor's Number. She picks up after the second ring.
"Hey Jen?" She says.
"Hey Tay-Ally," I say addressing that I am still carrying Taylor.
"What's up?" She said.
I took a deep breath and said, "let's get an appointment for a DNA test," I say.
Next update will be the last to Found On the Doorstep.
What would you do?
I'd instantly say yes. I never got to meet my biological parent(s). I would take that chance instantly. It's different for me than others.

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