54: Accident Upload

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Jen's POV
The next morning was a Saturday, I laid in bed and played on my phone, I named Taylor's video from last night, then I sent it to THGC in text message. I believe I sent it.
I also figured maybe Logan wanted to come over and hang out with Taylor. I dug out the slip of paper from my purse where most things go to be lost. I type in the number and hit the green button.
"Hi this is Jen or Jennifer. If you don't recall I met you on a plane to California."
"Ok yeah, this is Rebecca,"
"So I know that Logan is in Boston, as are we. I was wondering if he was free to hang out with Taylor or have a play date as some people call it,"
"Hold on,"
"Yeah, how's 3:00 pm work out?"
"Great, see you then!"
I hang up, I have about 3 hours to get this place spotless. Taylor is still asleep from last nights adventure.
I start with piling the crap around the apartment in piles. One for me, one for Taylor and one for the things that belong to this place. Most of this stuff is Taylor's.
I throw some tiny pink tennis shoes and crocs in her pile, then a few random jackets in mine.
After I pile up crap, I deliver it to mine room, in front of her bedroom door, and where it belongs. Then I start putting away my stuff.
I dust the blinds, clean the bathrooms, clean up the kitchen, dust the family room, and finally I vacuum the carpets and hardwood. It's a special vacuum and surprisingly Taylor didn't wake up. I feel like Cinderella.
I went to wake Taylor up about 1, she's been sleeping since 1 am. And twelve hours should have been enough. I slowly nudge her, softly whispering her name.
Taylor's POV
I wake up and see mommy. I smile at her. Then roll over almost falling out of the bed, luckily she catches me. Then scoops me out of the bed, sitting me on her hip. We go to the closet it has sliding doors. She picks out, some pink leggings and a navy blue shirt with pink and white polka dots. I try to put my shirt on but I get stuck. Mommy comes and pulls it down over my head. I put the leggings on myself. Yup, be proud.
Then we go to the bathroom. I, by myself, brush my teeth and try to comb my hair. Mommy comes and helps with my hair. She puts it in good enough braided pigtails, that are low and rest on my shoulders.
"Hey, Logan is coming over in a half an hour," mommy tells me.
"K, what we eating for breakfast?" I ask.
"Well it's lunch time, so what do you want?" She asks.
"Uh, um, chicken nuggets and French fries," I say, then jump on my bed.
"Ok, well we have to go find some. So come on let's go," she says motioning to go to the kitchen. I stop jumping on the bed.
"K," I say before jumping off and landing on my feet. I follow her to the kitchen, she opens the freezer and pulls out some Mickey Mouse chicken nuggets.
"Here you go, hold this," she says handing me this giant bag of chicken nuggets.
"K," I say walking over to the counter, and waiting for her to take the nuggets. She comes over with a bag of fries.
"Ok here I'll take till, go play, I'll call you when it's ready," she says, I run off to my room. And start taking out my toys.
"Oh, and don't make a mess. I just cleaned the apartment," she yells after me. Uh, oh. This is gonna take a long time to put away. I better start now.
By the time she calls me, I have 3 more things to put away.
"Wait!" I yell and throw the stuff on under the bed.
"I coming!" I yell running out of the room.
"Ok, here you go," she says lifting me in to my seat, buckling it and putting two plates on the table. I quickly start eating, she does too.
We finish, and she throws the paper plates away. Then gets me out of the booster chair. I wash my hands when standing on the stool. We have a lot of them and they aren't ours to keep. Then I go to my room and properly put away the toys.
Jen's POV
I glance at the clock it says 3:00. And just then the doorbell rings. I go and open the door, Logan and Rebecca come in. Logan is a lot different compared to when I last saw him.
"Hi, I'm Jen if you don't remember," I say mainly to Logan.
"I'm Logan," he says proudly.
"I know, Taylor is in her room. It's down that hall, first one on the right," I say pointing down the hall.
"Ok, bye," he says running off. He almost slips on the hardwood floor, because he is in socks.
"Ok so do you want to hang out or do you have to go do something?" I ask trying to be polite, "hang out" probably wasn't the right words.
"I have some errands, is that ok if I leave Logan with you?" She asks.
"Yeah, I can watch them, do you want me to take him home?" I ask, which comes out kinda weird. But I am new at this stuff.
"Um sure. I'll text you the address, he doesn't have to be home at a certain time," she says.
"Ok so if he eats dinner with us that's ok?" I ask.
"Yeah, by the way he is allergic to peanuts, he can't touch them or obviously eat them." She says before walking out the door.
"Well, duh, I'm not stupid," I say out loud to myself. I go and lay on the couch, just thinking.
About 30 minutes later, Taylor and Logan come and jump on the chair. I was taking up the whole couch, oops.
"Hi, we bored," Taylor says.
"Ok, what do you want to do?" I ask.
"I don't know, what can we do?" Logan asks. Wow he speaks perfectly, I wonder how. I have tried to teach Taylor but I eventually give up in frustration.
"We can watch a movie, tell stories, play with Taylor's toys, play Disney bingo on the tv, and kinda anything that's safe," I say tying to think of anything else.
"Disney bingwo!" Taylor shouts.
"Yeah!" Logan says.
"Ok, I'll play too, does anyone know how to play?" I ask cause honestly I don't.
"No,""Nope," They say.
"Ok we will all learn together then," I say. I go to the TV cabinet, and take out a ziplock bag with 5 cardboard cards and a random number of cardboard Mickey Mouse placer or chips.
"Ok listen to the directions," I say then pop in the Dvd that runs the game. I turn up the volume. And we begin.

When we finish and actually know the rules. I pick up the game and try to retrieve all the chips that went flying around the rooms and under the couches. I finish and check the time, it's 5:00. Dinner time.
"Hey guys!" I shout and they come out of Taylor's room.
"What?" Taylor asks.
"Where do you guys want to go to dinner at?" I ask.
"I no know," she replies.
"Logan?" I ask.
"Uh how about Red Robins?" He asks. Ohh yeah I love their fries.
"Ok, well get you shoes and coats, and anything else you need, there is on down the street from here. We are walking there," I say, then walk toward where we hang coats and stack the shoes.
"Hey Tay check this out my shoes light up," Logan says stomping them on the ground. Wow this kid can already put his shoes on right, wait now they are on the wrong feet.
"Uh Logan," I say nervously.
"Yeah, miss Jen," he says turning his attention to me.
I lean downs and whisper, "your shoes are on the wrong feet."
"Oh yeah, oops," he says and sits down on the ground to fix them.
After we all successfully get ready, we head out hand in hand. I have one with Taylor and other with my purse. Logan has a tight grip on Taylor's. Paparazzi follow us, occasionally, hiding information but most of them keep a distance. It's like I am a momma bear no one wants to deal with.
"Hey Logie-bear. Do you listen to music?" Taylor starts a conversation with. I zone out, like completely. And is Logie-bear his nickname and hers is Tay, that's what they call each other. They seem to be extremely close for only hanging out once. Kinda reminds me of Josh and I's relationship.
We get to the restaurant and are given a table with four chairs. We put 2 of the with booster seats. Logan is four but still wouldn't have been easily seated without one.
I order a hamburger and fries, Red Robin, I mean they have wonderful hamburgers. Logan gets a kid meal, Taylor too. We eat, go back to the apartment. Call my driver and ask him to take us to Logan's place. Since I inly had on car seat. I have Logan sit in it and I held Taylor on my lap.
We dropped off Logan at the apartment number, I said hello to his parents, the left with Taylor.
We go home I tuck her in, kiss her goodnight and say "I love you." And I mean every word of that.
"I love you mommy," she says before turning over toward the gate. I head off to bed very soon after that.
Qc: Same as last. I will answer any questions, about me, my life, the story, anything. Just asks in the comments.

Ps. I'm sorry that my chapters aren't ideal. But they will pick up again soon.
Special thanks to I-Am-Jess for this idea.

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