61: 5 AM Wake Up

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Taylor's POV
It's my birthday! I don't know what we are going to do, but it's my birthday! We are back in LA. I'm awake.
I get out of my bed. And walk down the hall with my blankie to Mommy's. I open the door, now that I can reach it. She's in her bed, sleeping. Not for long.
"Good Morning," I yell in her ear. She jumping a little and rolls to the other side of the bed. I follow around to the other side of the bed.
"Morning Mommy!" I yell. She mutters something, I can't hear.
"Morning!" I yell again. She opens her eyes and grabs me. She then sets me in her bed, laying next to her. Wrapping her arms around me, and going back to sleep.
I lay there looking at the white ceiling, I turn and face her. She's still sleeping. Doesn't she know what day it is.
"Mommy?" I say in a normal tone.
"Uh huh?" She says with her eyes still shut.
"Do you know what to day is?" I say grinning.
"Uh huh, do you know what time it is, baby girl?" Mommy says not even opening her eyes.
"Uh time to get up?" I say unsure, I'm a preschooler, I can barley read.
"No, silly, it's 5 am, meaning go to sleep," she say.
"Ok, but when can we get up?" I hope it's soon.
"In 3 hours," she says.
"Ok," I say and close my eyes.
We both fall asleep. Well I do for some time when I wake up she isn't there. I hop off the bed and take my blanket down the stairs with me. I stop at the top and hear her talking. The person seems to be in the house not on the phone. I walk about halfway down the stairs before I throw up and start crying.
Jen's POV
I'm standing in the kitchen eating cereal as Liam talks to me about Australia.
Then all the sudden I hear crying from another room. It must be Taylor. I rush to where I heard the nous from and she's on the steps. She starts hiccuping and crying and trying to catch her breath all at once. Liam was right behind me, and he went right past Taylor and came back with new clothes for Taylor and the carpet cleaner vacuum thing.
"Aw thanks Liam," I say.
"Welcome, now let's get her fix," he says. I put her up and hold her arms length from me. She is still sobbing. Her blanket had thrown up on it, but it can be washed, I think, if not she can use the one she brought when she showed up on my doorstep.
"Honey, focus on me," I say, not what worked. She started crying even more.
"Jen, how bout you give her a bath and I'll clean this up," Liam says noticing Taylor still isn't calm.
"Ok," I say and walk upstairs to her bathroom. I set her on the lid of the toilet seat that is down, for precaution. I turn the bath water on warm, and wait.
Once it's warm I strip her down. And set her in the warm water. She calmed down a lot once in the bath.
The little girl that was up at 5 am this morning smiling and bouncing now to be sobbing. The day ruined by the disease that a knocked her out last year.
After I bathe her, I take her downstairs because Liam brought the other pajamas down here. I dress her in a pull-up and summer pajamas. She tends to get really hot during these episodes. I carry her to the laundry room and dump her old clothes and blankie in a basket. We walk back to the family room, she still hasn't said a word and now has her head buried in my neck.
"So can she hear us or not during these episodes," Liam asked once we were sitting in the family room, Taylor was wrapped in a blanket on my lap. The blanket is full of tiny feathers and puffy, so it's cold and works perfect for these situations.
"I think so, like every so often it will go out and then come back," I say, I vaguely remember because the last time this happened she was out cold.
"How does she act during these times?" Liam says intrigued.
"Sad, sleepy, like a sick kid, but she's only sick for a short period of time," I say.
"Oh, what are we going to do? It's her birthday. And before this, like 2 hours ago, we were talking about a handful of people coming over for dinner," Liam says bringing up a point I hadn't remembered at this exact time.
"Ok yeah, s****, what are I gonna do Liam she's only 4, and I've only officially celebrated one birthday with her. This hearing thing just takes over her life, what am I gonna do," I start freaking out.
"Jen, Jen calm down, of Taylor can eat, you can have people over, right?" Liam says.
"Yeah, yeah but I want Taylor to have a good time on her birthday," I say.
"She will, now why don't we wake up Josh with a "nice" phone call and put Taylor back to bed. Then we can out up party decorations," Liam says.
"But we still need to be able to see her, wait. Hold on," I get up and Taylor shifts a little but continues sleeping on my shoulder. I go to the medicine cabinet, we have  like 4 but there is one in the kitchen. I go to the one in the kitchen. This one has, the daily meds and all of Taylor's extra stuff just in case. I get out the liquid stuff for this situation. Pour it in a measuring cup and then mix it with some water in a sippy cup. It has some fruity flavoring.
"Hey Tay," I say voicing her a little, she opens her eyes, "drink this please." I put it by her mouth, like she is a baby and the sippy cups a bottle.
She starts drinking it, I tip it back feeding her like I did my nephew when her was like 1. Taylor only looks like she is 2 maybe 3, not that old. She was small to begin with, and the coma didn't help her at all.
After a few drinks she starts to refuse it. Pushing it away, trying to grab it and throw it, and more ways to get it away from her.
"No Taylor, honey you need this it will help you get better," I say when she pushes it away again.
She keeps pressing lips together and shaking her head so I can't put it in her mouth.
"Taylor," I say raising my voice, "please drink this." I try again and again. Then Liam tries. Liam calls Josh, Josh comes over and fails to get her drink this crap.
I try making a deal with her, like if I do this you have to drink this. One deal that make her pipe up was if we call Ally, she has to drink this medicine.
She nodded head to that one.
I pressed on the contact labeled Taylor Swift with the nickname Ally written under her name in quotation marks.
"Hey, Jen, it's Taylor," she answered.
"Hey, so you remember when I told you about Taylor's episodes?" I began with.
"Yeah. What about them?" She asked.
"She is suppose to take medicine for them, and in order to get her to drink it, I have to call you and have her talk to you, do you have like 10 minutes," I said.
"Yeah, I'd do anything for her," Taylor said.
"Ok here's Taylor," I hand the phone to her, she gets off the couch and walks around the family room.
"Hi Ally," Taylor said in to the phone.
Taylor Swift's POV
Jen called me for a favor. For Taylor to take her medicine, she has to talk to me.
"Hi Ally," she says through the phone.
"Hi Tay, how's life?"
"Um awesome!" She yells.
"Oh ok, what have you don't today?" I said trying to start a conversation.
"Well I woke up at 5 am and went to mommy's room, she made me go back to sleep but in her room. Then I woke up and Liam was here. Next I threw up on the stairs. And then I had a warm bath. And then I took a nap, and then I tried bad medicine, and then I told mommy that I had to talk to you, and now I am talking to you," she said telling me everything about her day.
"Ok cool," I said.
"What are you doing?" She asked me.
"I'm at sound check for my concert tonight," I said.
"That's awesome, do you know what today is?" She asked me.
"Hm, let me guess. Is it your birthday?" I asked.
"Yeah, how did you know, I'm fouwr," she said putting emphasis on the four.
"Yeah, well I have to go, tell your mom I'll be in LA soon. Do you want to talk to Austin?" I asked.
"K," she said, I was unsure of what that means, but I past the phone anyway. Austin has been dying to talk to Taylor ever since he saw that birth certificate.
They talk while I finish sound check, when he gets off the phone he says, "she's the one, Tay. I really believe it. I need to take a DNA test."
"Austin, we need to tell Jen, and explain to her everything. By the way did you get her to take her medicine?" I ask.
"Yeah, and we will, when we get in LA," he says. But the birth certificate said, Brooklyn Riley Swift not Taylor Ann Swift. They share the same birthday, though.

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