38: Darkness

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Taylor's POV
Blackness covers my eyes, that's all I see. I hear whispers every so often.

I recognize my Mommy, Grandma, Uncle Ben, Cody, Blaine, and that's it. There are others I don't know.

I just stay in the darkness looking for a light, it's scary. Last thing I remember is my head hurting and falling.

Everything else is blank or just black light. I don't know where I am, what I am doing, or why I can't move or see. I can hear on and off. But not see.

I see darkness cover me like I am trapped in a everlasting box with the lid tapped shut. Darkness,

I hear people say many things. "I believe in you" "You are strong" "I have been praying for you" "I love you" I want to see who says this.

Jen's POV
I am playing with my niece and nephew since she is staying with my parents for a while. Blaine when on a honeymoon.

They are so cute. I love my family. I have to leave tomorrow, but if God forbids I won't be gone soon. I just hope he allows Taylor to come home with me. We play tag, soccer, hide-and-seek, I happen to be a wonderful babysitter. Just saying. Ben comes and picks up Cody. It's just me and Skylar.

"What do you want to do?"

"Watch a movie!" She shouts.

"Ok, what movie?"

"The hunger games marathon,"


"Yup," and she runs upstairs to get the disc, I guess. What did she say?

She comes back down, in pajamas, with the movies in hand. She has black pajamas bottoms matched with a pink shirt with a cupcake on it.

"Ok wait I will pull on my pajamas," I say and hurry to my room, careful not to fall. I slip on some grey sweats and a black sweat shirt. I grab to fuzzy blue blanket at the bottom of my bed and head downstairs.

When I get there, she is waiting to press play, I still don't understand what we are watching.

She presses play and oh god, she picked The Hunger Games.

"Let's play a game," she says.

"What?" I say while
getting comfortable.

"Every time Haymitch says Sweetheart we race to the kitchen bar. Every time Peeta says something good about Katniss, same thing. And everything Katniss kills something or someone, same. This way we will get out our energy," she says.

"Alright," I says and cover us with the blue blanket.

The movie starts and I hate watching myself. I am a total troll. I am so busy watching, I forget about the game, so we make a score sheet.

By the end of the first movie, it's her wining. I get lazy and forget. It's a hard game to remember what I am looking for.

We start catching fire and I can't take it. I love watching movies but this was the first film I had her with me on. She played on that beach, in that house, in the snow, said hi to those people, and learned to love and trust others.

There is to much pain to have her not with me, not to have her travel with me, not to see her in the morning or night. Have to help her put food in her mouth or take bath, or wear matching clothes. I miss being a mother.

That's it I miss being Taylor's mother.

I get up, make an excuse and go outside to be alone.

My parents come home, make dinner, but I don't go in.

I stay outside at the table, thinking. My mom brings a plate of food outside, I eat it, but don't take it back in. Dad comes out and takes it in.

When I wake up the next morning, I am in my bed, with the clothes I had on last night. I shower, change into Dior clothes.

Take my bags to the car and head to the hospital. I say goodbye to Taylor. Then the airport. My sunglasses hide the tear stains and sadness. Most emotions are hidden but my smile never shows. It hasn't in the past month.

I don't know when a real smile will show.

Smile good things are coming.

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