66: A Backstory

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This is going to Kaitlyyyyyyyn . She is amazing! She is the person who practically helps me with everything. Her stories are amazing, so read them. Thank you a million Katilyn. Love ya, beautiful.
Flashback to 2011- Austin=19
Austin's POV
(9 months before Taylor was suppose to be born)
"Honey, I'm pregnant," my girlfriend told me. We were walking in the park, I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Really?" I said with excitement, nerves, happiness, worry and a lot more emotions swirled in my head.
"Yeah, honey," she says. I just stare back in to my girlfriend's beautiful blue eyes. We stay in that moment for quite some time.
"I love you, honey," she says. I give her a quick kiss and hug. Then I kneel down and kiss her stomach. I going to be a Father, Dad. Happy tears drip off my chin as she wraps her arms around my neck.
"I love you too, babe," I whisper in her ear.
(6 months before Taylor was suppose to be born)
Austin's POV
The baby is healthy and fine. Even though our parents weren't happy about us getting pregnant, they are willing to help out and welcome a new member to the family.
2 weeks and we know the gender. I honestly hope for it to be a girl, I have a gut feeling it is.
(5 months till Taylor)
It's official. We are having a girl. Now we have decide on our list of girl names. For the boys, there was Michael, Rylan, Toby, and Scott, after my dad. For girls there is Katilyn, Jessica, Ella, and Kimberly. (So here is the actual award/prize)
I don't know what we will do, pick a new or stick with old.
(4 Months before Taylor was suppose to be born)
We have narrowed it down to Kaitlyn Jessica Swift and Kimberly Ella Swift. Now we are having our families vote. I thinking of proposing and moving in together. I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I loved her ever since the 10th grade, even though we didn't date till senior year.
I'll need Taylor to help plan everything perfect. I'm only like 19.
(3 months before Taylor was suppose to be born: August 13, 2011)
"Austin, she's dead, she killed herself. No note, no nothing. The baby's gone, she's gone. I'm sorry, don't bother coming," Is all her sister said when I found out she was dead. My girlfriend, my baby girl, my life is gone everything. I just broke down, by the phone. Sobbing non-stop. Everything thing was planed out and ready to be announce. Did I do something, should I join my family in the underworld or above. Why? Why, why. I get angry, sad, depressed. The last time I saw her was 2 days ago when she came for dinner.
"Honey you'll be alright," my mom said trying to comfort me. But I won't I've lost the family I just gained. My little girl, her room was already set up, for when I ask my girlfriend to move in and be engaged to me. I waited to long to tell them how much I love them.
All the things, my baby never got to do. I never saw her walk, talk, learn, see her on her first day of school and last day of school. I never even got to walk her down the aisle. Everything was missed and forgotten.
(1year after Taylor was actually born, August 13, 2012)
Austin's POV
I've been trying to get back to life, to living. A part of me is gone, but I'm still trying. I kept the house I bought for my now dead family, but I live alone in it.
I am eating ice cream and watching the news. When the news starts talking about a baby girl that survived after being 3 months premature because her mother commuted suicide. That's my little girl! What happen? I thought she was dead. Now my search begins to bring her home to the home I bought for us.
(February 13, 2013)
Austin's POV
I've talk to my dead girlfriends family. They never responded, they won't talk to me at all. I don't even know what I did.
I've driven to every orphanage and looked for her, I've checked the hospitals, they say someone has her. They aren't authorized to give me information. But I'll find her no matter what.
October 2013
I watch Ellen all the time she's hilarious and doesn't give the normal serious interviews.
This particular one had Jennifer Lawrence, she was announcing her new daughter, Taylor. Taylor reminds me of my daughter but couldn't be, because Taylor showed up on Jennifer's doorstep back in February. I'll just keep looking.
March 2015
Austin's POV
I'll finally got the chance to meet this little Taylor. I knew that I knew her someway that day. Taylor always stayed close to Jennifer and my sister, she didn't seem to like me. I don't know why though. 
August 2015
Austin's POV
Here we are back at Taylor's and I'm writing everything down. Tomorrow I may have a daughter or according to Taylor a restraining order.
This one is really fast pace and moving, if you get confused comment and I'll comment back.
This book is almost done, so the sequel will be up soon.
How do you think the names didn't end up as Austin and his girlfriend originally planned?

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