62: Forever Momment

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Jen's POV
We laid around the house for about half a day, by 3:00 she was back to normal.
About a week ago we went and got her a birthday dress. It is short-sleeved light blue, and has a darker blue ribbon around the waist. Matched with black flats and hair halfway pulled back.
We are having a dinner party with a few friends. My biological family couldn't make it out here because school was starting and they wanted to get Blaine's family and settled in the new house. It's closer to the school and both of Blaine and Chloe's work. Maybe I should get a small house down there, then I don't always have to be here and I won't have to bother my parents to stay with them.
Josh and Liam are here, Connor is coming. I secretly invited little Logan. Taylor doesn't know but the rest do.
There will be 8 of us, 3 kids if you count Connor and 5 adults. I've known Connor since he was like 14 or something.
I think I can get the table to fit 8 if we put all the leaves in it.
"Hey Josh!" I yell went I was trying to decided where to put the table because my kitchen is to small.
"Yeah, I'm upstairs," he yells back.
"Can you come here a sec," I yell back.
"Yeah coming!" He yells. I hear his fast footsteps down the stairs.
"What?" He says once he makes it to the kitchen.
"Where should I put the table? I need it to fit 8 and I think I can, but it will be to big to stay in the kitchen," I say.
"Why don't we put 5 here and get a kid's table? I don't know, I can't think of a place it will fit," he says.
"Yeah, okay I'll go get the table from the storage room in the basement," I say walking toward the basement door. I haven't been down there in like a year. There is a lot of stuff, but it's organized. Not really, enough to have a general idea of where stuff is.
"Jen do you even know where it is?" Josh yells front the top of the basement stairs by the door.
"Maybe, I'll find it, though!" I shout.
"Ok, I'll put the leaves in the table. Oo, and what's for dinner?" He says, I can barely hear him from down here. What is for dinner?
"I don't know, ask Taylor what she wants when you see her again?" I yell. Liam took Taylor to get a cake and pick up some other stuff. I think he just took her shopping for fun and cause I asked him to get the vanilla/chocolate cake.
"She's with Liam though!" He said, I could still barley hear him.
"Well call him!" I shout back. Here's the table. It's a little wooden table, with 2 wooden chairs, I bought this for her birthday last year. Because I had hope she would be better, when she woke up, I just told her I bought her a table and if she wanted it we would put it in the kitchen. We completely forgot about it.
"Found it!!" I yell.
"Ok, well Connor is coming over to help me finish the banner and he said he was bringing milkshakes!" Josh said. I took the chairs upstairs first, then the table. Then I took them all to the kitchen. I decided to move the bar stools and put the table under there.
"Ok that's all set, sis you call Liam or should I," I said.
"You can, I'm going to ask Conner to get Taylor's present from my house," he said before walking out of the room. I called Liam, she wanted breakfast. Consisting of pancakes, sausage, potatoes, eggs, and apple juice. Technically what she tried to eat all of when we were in San Diego, I ended up eating the rest.
"Josh! I have to go get food for dinner, want to come!" I said loudly, I don't know where he disappeared to.
"Sure, I'll drive!" He said.
"Fine, lets me get my purse and make a list of what we need. Also I need help cooking so you a don Connor get to help me," I said.
"Fine, ready," he said.
"No I just told you I need to make a list," I said.
"What are we having?" He said.
"Breakfast," I said, he started laughing.
"I'm serious," I said.
"Oh why?" He said.
"I don't know, but it's her choice, like if it was your birthday we would celebrate it with McDonalds," I said.
"Yeah true," he said, "I'll be in the car hurry up."
"Ok," I said. I repeated the list to myself out loud and then locked the doors and met Josh in the car.
After grocery shopping, we went back to my house. Connor was waiting angrily on the doorstep.
"Hi Connor how are you?" I said.
"Oh fine I've been here twice in the past hour. Where did you guys go?" He said.
"To get food for dinner," Josh said.
"Ok what about me. When we spoke you said get this stuff and meet me at Jen's. I did it took ten minutes," Connor said. I couldn't hold it. I just started laughing. They both have me weird looks.
"What! do you see his face?" I said and then instantly stopped, "I guess you didn't, gosh."
"Ok, we are sorry Connor, on the plus side did you bring the milkshakes" Josh said.
"Yeah they are in the freezer at home, if you want them go home," Connor said smirking.
"Ok, Jen I'll be back in 15 minutes, good luck with him," Josh said and got back in the car. He loves his McDonalds milkshakes.
"They aren't in the freezer are they?" I said looking back at Connor evilly smiling.
"Nope, Liam gave me the gear age code when I texted him the first time I got here, but he'll be back and not happy, in the mean time I got fries to dip," he said and I followed him in to my house.
"Nice job," I said noticing all the decorations were perfectly put up. Connor is extremely smart, and can convince us of almost anything.
Josh came back and steaming mad.
Liam and Taylor came back with bags of random stuff. He took her to Chucky Cheese for an hour and jump street. All without us. Logan was coming at 6, Liam came back at 5:58. He left around 12:00.
When Logan got her Taylor was extremely happy and so was he.
We had an amazing breakfast made by yours truly, and Connor. Josh made him help.
After dinner we played hide and seek and sardines. Brenton wasn't really into it.
About 9:00 Brenton, Rebecca, and Logan went home. Taylor got some gift cards from them. Josh got her the new I-pod, her old on is a 4th generation and a cool water bottle for traveling that doesn't leak or anything. Liam got her some outfits and hunger games stuff. Now I get to put posters of me in my daughter's room. He is just trying to irritate me. Connor got her a gift card to target.
I got her a American girl bitty baby thing. With some clothes and bed and other stuff (above). The baby isn't named yet, right now it's Baby.
We also got a new iTunes account because our last one, I forgot the password to. But that was after I drained the money out of the account. Then I hired someone to personally help me copy what we bought to a computer app and save it. Taylor's old iPod will be our music I-pod. It has all the music we own, plus all the radio things I've signed up for. Josh and Liam helped me figure that part out.
"Ok so you guys staying or do you have early flights back?" I asked.
"I've got an early flight to Australia, so goodbye," Liam said. I hug Liam goodbye first then Josh and Connor.
"We can't stay, but I'll see you in soon, bye Jen," Josh says before giving me a hug.
"Bye Connor," I said turning to my right and hugging him.
"Bye Jen," the boys said before pulling out of the driveway.
I walked back inside and Taylor came down.
"What are you doing up?" I asked.
"I don't know I wasn't tired," I said.
"Ok well do you want to sleep with me?" I said.
"Sure!!" She said.
"Ok let me go change in to PJ's, you go get your stuff," I say hurrying upstairs and changing. She comes in my room with arms full of a blanket, bear, and baby doll.
"Can you get up?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said then threw the excess stuff on the top of the bed. She struggled to pull herself up, and never made it. She ended up asked for help.
We both fell asleep. I had my arms wrapped around her. Her head was laying in my chest, we were both sleeping on our sides. She curls in to a ball when she sleep. So she's in a ball with her blanket, I gave her, and bear-bear. The baby doll is on the far side of the bed. She's so cute. One of those moments when you want to pause time and stay in it for eternity. A forever moment is why I call them.
QC: Name a Forever Moment.

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