65: An LA Arival

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This one goes to I-Am-Jess . She's beautiful and your should read her What She's Made Of story. It's great. I know nothing about Castle but the book is wonderful. Thanks to Jess for the lovely comments, it makes me smile to read them. Thanks a million.
Austin's POV
Today I fly in to LAX to meet my sister. I'm going to be explaining everything to Jennifer. And hopefully she will give me the Okay for a DNA test. Because you can't get one on a child without a legal Parent Signature. Now I have a 4 hour flight from Nashville to LA.
Taylor's POV
I woke up today on the ground next to a mattress which I don't remember falling asleep on. Then I heard a voice that wasn't Mommy's.
"Hey your awake," she said, I looked up and saw Ally.
"Hi," I said in a groggy voice.
"Let's go eat some breakfast, it's already made," Ally said and picked me up blankets and all. I must have rolled in a ball with the blankets that rolled off the mattress when I rolled.
"How'd you sleep," Ally said sitting me down in a chair that conveniently had a booster seat in it.
"Good," I said still trying to wake up.
"That's nice, she said. She brought over 2 plates of warm food, a glass of milk and a sippy cup of apple juice, I think. That's what it tasted like when I drank it. We are in a comfortable silence.
She does the dishes and I get down and go to the couch.
We watch TV till about noon. She tells me she is going to go get dressed then I have to get dressed. She leaves and goes upstairs.
I don't want to watch anymore Sofia the Princess, so I press random buttons on the remote.
And them pictures of me and Ally and Me and Mommy pop up on the screen. I'm on TV!!! I'm on TV. They are talking about me. I keep watching not really listening at all.
Ally comes down. I turn around and smile at her. She looks really angry, she grabs the remote and turns it off not saying a word.
"Taylor, why are you watching gossip shows," Ally says in a angry voice.
"It has me on it!" I say excitedly.
"So? That doesn't mean you should watch it. They say mean things about people like us," Ally says looking me in the eyes.
"Really? I didn't listen at all," I say with wide eyes.
"Yeah, Tay, the people who care about you, protect you from this stuff," she say seriously. I can't take being serious for this long, I just burst out laughing. Ally gives me a concerned look.
"Taylor! This isn't funny, they do say hurtful things. But you can listen to them, you just shake it off. Just like me and your mom do. Ok?" She says as roll around on the ground smiling.
"Oktay," I say. She gets off the couch and joins me on the ground. Instead of rolling around on the ground, she stands in her knees, she still stands taller than me when she is on her knees. She comes over to me and tickles the life out of me.
"A-l-l-y stop, it, I, can't, breathe," I shout in between short breaths.
"Well you seem to be breathing," she says. I get up and try to run away, but she pulls me back. And takes me off the ground, we walk upstairs to the bathroom. I calm down from laughing so much.
"Ok now we actually have to get ready and pick up Austin, or I'll get in trouble with my dad," Ally says, I wonder who "my dad" is. I'll ask later. I get dressed in a white long sleeve with a blue/green sweater on top and black leggings. (Above) I put on my small Keds, Ally got me for my birthday. There is a lot of them in different designs and colors. Once I'm dressed, I go downstairs and ask Ally to do my hair for me. She braids it to the side, she calls it a fishtail. After that I brush my teeth, and pack my backpack I bring everywhere. I'm ready to go. I wait by the door, only to realize that Ally is laying on the couch. She says we have to wait for her driver.
Taylor Swift's POV
Taylor irritated me, when she was laughing over a serious matter. I don't think she understood what the media can do. So I left it alone. I tried but failed to explain in words a 4 year would understand.
Now that we are in the car, I have Taylor on my lap because I didn't get the car seat from Jen and completely forgot that I would need it.
After we pick up Austin, we head to Sound Check. Once I finish, we go out for a quick dinner, with the Dancers, Band, and us. Taylor clings to me when we are with other people, I know she has a problem with trusting people and opening herself to others so I allow her to eat dinner on a my lap and stuff. On the way back, we swing by my house and pick up Taylor's stuff and drop off Austin's.
Dinner ends and I have Jen come to the back door of the Staples Center so she can get Taylor.
I greet them and send them back out, I really hope they don't get trampled on their way. I let them sit in the sound booth, so Taylor can see me if she doesn't fall asleep first. I told the crowd that Jen was here and they went crazy. Then I said that Taylor was here too, then they went ballistic. The special song was a special guest but I dedicated Enchanted/Wildest Dreams to Taylor, who
I could see was asleep in her mothers arms.
Sequel is a go! I repeat Sequel is a go.
Any comments on really far future ideas.

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