63: An LA Anouncement

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Picture of a park I visited in WY, I took the picture, isn't it amazing. Jk I know it isn't that great.
Taylor Swift POV's
This week we are in LA. I'm having friends come for a couple of nights. The biggest one is the 25th, That's when I'm having Jen and Taylor. That's gonna be a long day, but we are hanging out with them for a lot this week. I think I'm babysitting Taylor on the 23 because Jen is going out with her friends and she has to work really early and doesn't want Taylor to have to deal with that stuff. I think I volunteered for that like a week ago when we were talking the day after their birthday weekend. I love how Taylor's is the 13 and Jen's the 15.
This is gonna be an awesome week though. Austin is coming the 24th to talk to Taylor and Jen, which is the scariest thing. I don't know what Jen will do or how little Taylor would end up. I don't want Austin taking her from Jen or Jen setting a restraining order for Austin. It could happen.
So today's the 21 and i have no idea what I'm doing.
Taylor's POV
Mommy says that Ally is in town and we are going to see her soon. For now we are just hanging out at home. In September we are going to a film set, so mommy isn't getting me in to school, which I don't understand fully. I went to school with Logan last time, do I have to go again. Don't get me wrong I love school but I know Logan won't be there. I think she said something about a private tutor.
We also bought a trampoline in the last week. It's so fun. There is a net around the circular tramp. We go and play on it a lot.
"Taylor!" Mommy yells.
"What?" I yell back.
"Come here,please!" She yells.
"Coming," I yell and head downstairs.
"Hey, I have a question for you," she says.
"K," is all I answer back.
"What do you think of having two houses, one here and one in Kentucky?" She says.
"Kentucky?" I honestly have no idea where that is.
"Yeah where Cody, Skylar, and the others are living. We go there for the holidays, you woke up from your coma there," she says trying to jog my memory.
"Oh yeah, sure," I said, I don't care if we have 2 houses or not.
"Alright, next time we are in Kentucky we can go house shopping, ok" she says.
"Oktay," I say trying to mock her. She laughed at me.
"Let's go outside!" I say and point to the back door.
"Ok get your shoes and a jacket and we'll go," she says getting up from the kitchen table.
"K," I say and walk to the mud room. I put on my shoes and pink light jacket.
I walk to the door and tug it open. I walk out alone. Mommy comes out minutes later. I get on the tramp and slide off my shoes, then throw them off. Mommy says shoes don't belong on the tramp. I don't know why but ok.
"Taylor honey, what do you want to do today? All we've done so far is jump, have birthday parties, and watch TV and movies. We need to do something," she says while we are both laying on the tramp on our backs, her arm is under my head. We were looking at the clouds in the air.
"I don't know what can we do?" I say.
"Anything you want," she says. I evilly grin at her, and she adds, "that's safe and not outrageous."
"K um, let's go get Pippi and play," I say standing up.
"Ok, but first she says before grabbing my legs and making me tumble over her. She rolls over and starts tickling me like crazy. I'm giggling and laughing. I keep trying to yell stop it, but I can't catch my breath.
"See how's this," she says laughing at me.
"Your turn," I say climbing on top of her.  Knocking her off her knees on impact.
"Oh really, watch this," she says and lifts me off of her.
"No fair, your are bigger," I say.
She laughed and says, "let's go get Pippi, you can throw the ball if you find try thrower," she says hopping off the tramp, I carefully climb down the ladder.
"Ok," I say and run to the bin by the back door, which is full of outdoor toys and dog toys. We play outside all day occasionally going in for a bathroom break or we get cool. At dinner time we go in and heat up some Chicken Noodle soup. After dinner, we play  Guess Who? Then we both head out separate ways when Mommy tucks me in. We say our "I love you"s and give our hugs and kisses before drifting to sleep.
Yeah, I know it's only a filler. This week is going to be dragged out, btw.
And I think I'll dedicate the chapters, and give shoutouts to the 4 who completed the quiz.
QC: What do you all thing of a sequel?
I though if a cliff hanger that would complete the story but I need to know about a Sequel.

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