69: The Paternity Test

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Jen's POV
The next day we make plans to get the appointment set and done asap.
It's set for tomorrow at 8:00 am. Austin, Taylor, their parents, Me, and Taylor are the only ones going to it tomorrow. I have the bad butterflies in my stomach. The ones where you are so nervous you can't think straight.
The thing I do know, is that Taylor Ann Lawrence is my daughter and will always be my daughter, forever and always mine. Unlike Austin, I know much more about Taylor and her personality. She can be sassy or sweet, funny, kind, respectful, hyper, energetic and more. She's the sweetest thing I know, she loves puppies and cats. She hates oranges, loves watermelon, singing, breakfast, the colors purple and white. She doesn't trust easily, it takes time. When she's mad or sad time, music, or me will calm her down or cheer her up. She's smart and wise. She's overcome a lot more than most 4 year olds. She may be as small as a 2 year old but God built her that way, and I love her either way. I've seen her grow in the past 3 years in to a energetic toddler to an almost kindergarten. She will forever be my daughter no matter what curve balls God throws at us.
August 28, 2015
Taylor's POV
"Taylor, let's get up," I hear Mommy say in a sleepy voice. I open my eyes, she stands up and stretches and yawns.
"Good morning," I say in a groggy and sleepy voice.
"Morning baby, let's get ready to go we leave in 30 minutes," she says and leaves the room to get ready. I think, she was in her pajamas when she was here earlier. We picked out my clothes last night. It's a yellow sweater, white t-shirt, and baby blue jeans. After I get that on, I strap on my white sandals. And left to find Mommy.
"Hello!" I shout at her, she jumps and looks over at me with an evil stare.
"Hi, you look beautiful," she says.
"Thank you, you too," I say. She turns back to the mirror and finishes her makeup.
"Do you want to brush out your hair then I'll curl it?" Mommy said.
"Ok," I said and grabbed the brush off the vanity counter.
When I finished she was heating up the curling iron.
"So are you ready, to do this?" She asked.
"I think so," I say. Honestly I'm scared. I don't know what will happen. I hate doctors with a passion.
"Well, I need you know that I love you and you'll be mine forever, don't worry you won't be leaving me anytime soon," she says and gives me a hug.
"Oktay, I love you too, I whisper back. The curling iron dings and we pull away. She starts on the left side of my head and curls it all the way around to the right. The spiral curls fall to my armpit bouncy and warm from the iron.
Once she finishes, she does her own hair. Then finds a pink headband with a flower and puts that in my hair.
I have to wait for her to put on some shoes and find her purse and car keys. I already have my backpack and everything ready.
As sacred as I am I try hard not to show it.
We park close to the door and both get out, now that I have a booster seat and can unbuckle myself. I grab my bag, as she opens my door. I reach out for her to carry me she willing lifts me out of my car seat. I take my backpack with me.
We walk in with me on her hip and bags slung over our shoulders.
"Hey Tay!" Ally says to me with her happy, sweet smile.
"Hi Ally," I say not with the same level of excitement or joy.
Jen's POV
"Hey Jen," Taylor(S) says.
"Hey, Ally," I say.
"This is my mom Andrea, and my dad Scott," Taylor(S) says pointing out her parents. I feel Taylor(L) nuzzle closer in my neck. She doesn't like new people. The couple gets up and comes over to greet us.
"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Jennifer but people call me Jen," I say shaking their hands.
"So is this our possible Grandaughter," Andrea says.
"Um yeah, I think," I say.
"Taylor you want to say hi," I whisper in her ear, so only she can hear. She shakes her head.
"Sorry she's a little shy," I say and sit down in one of the chairs in the waiting room.
"So tell us about yourself Jennifer," Scott says addressing me like my dad does.
"Ok, I'm 25, I am a actress. I started when I was 16. I love food," I trying to keep it simple and short. My mind was wondering where the hell Taylor(S) went?
"Did you finish school and act?" Andrea said. Oh no.
"No, I dropped after sophomore year," I said.
"Oh," they both say. Great now they don't like me cause I didn't finish school.
"So what's your favorite movie?" They ask.
"Um, I have a lot but Dumb and Dumber, Grown Ups, um some more I can't seem to remember," I say. I am super nervous, these people need to like me.
"Those are funny movies, I really like the work you did in Silver Linings Playbook," Andrea said.
"Thank you," I say. After that there's an awkward silence, I hate these situations.
"How about you guys tell me about yourselves or Austin?" I say breaking the silence. I can tell Taylor(L) fell asleep, by the soft sound of her breathing.
"Ok, um we originally lived in Pennsylvania and then moved to Nashville because of Taylor's constant begging. We've been there for about 11 years. Austin would love to take Brooklyn there," Scott says, this made my stomach tighten. Oh, hell no, if Taylor is going somewhere I'm going too, A, and B her name is Taylor. I shout in my head.
We wait for about 30 minutes talking about the future. What they say scares me and makes me nervous and mad. I plan to stay and be the mother of little baby girl I met 3 years ago who I raised and loved. The one who calls me Mommy every day and I kiss goodnight every night. These people weren't here during 2014. These people just met her a few months ago. Wow I can freak out like a snap of my fingers.
"Taylor Lawrence," the doctor says standing by the hallway that leads to checkup rooms.
"Yeah, we're coming," I say and wake up Taylor(L).
"You ready," I say in her ear.
"No, no, no, I hate doctors," she says in a loud whisper.
We enter the room, I set my purse and her backpack in a corner. I pull out her baby blanket and her old one from when I found her on my doorstep. I give her the one from me and she takes time to give Ally who was sitting on the table with Austin, the other blanket.
"Oh my gosh, mom look at this, we gave this to Riley," Taylor(S) says.
"Yeah, how do you have this?" Andrea says turning around.
"It was in the diaper bag that came with her, I gave her a new one with the name Taylor Ann L. embroider in it, because well you wouldn't care," I say cutting off myself. I lift Taylor back on my lap and we all wait for the doctor.
"Jen how's Mockingjay 2 going," Taylor(S) asks.
"Good, we start press in October, I film Passengers in September," I say.
"Are you taking Taylor with you?" Scott says in a snippy voice (btw Scott is actually really nice and sociable but this had to play out for the story).
"Yeah, I have to take her with me, why wouldn't I, I have a tutor all lined up, but then there is a week, Josh is coming to watch her and hang out with us," I say getting quieter at the end.
"Who's Josh? Your boyfriend?" Scott says taking another stab at me.
"No!" Taylor(L) speaks up, "Joshy is my friend and very nice, he is also Peeta." She says in her smart/serious voice.
"Ok," I hear Scott mutter.
"What!" I say raising my voice.
"Dad," Taylor(S) says trying to remove the tension in the tension filled room. Luckily the doctor comes in.
Taylor Lawrence's POV
"I'll start with Taylor then Austin, we will get the results later today, and call you with them," he says.
"Ok," Mommy says and shifts me on her lap so I face the doctor.
"Ok Taylor open you mouth please," he said. I didn't want to get the older couple, mad at me or Mommy so I obeyed. He stuck a wooden popsicles in my mouth and touched the insides of my cheeks.
"All done," he says standing up. He then does the same to Austin. Then tells us we can leave. Mommy sets me on Ally's lap and gathers our bags. She hands me my backpack, I put it on.
Then she takes me from Ally's lap and sets me on her hip.
"Thank you Ally, I'll talk to you soon, bye, love ya," Mommy says and hugs her.
"Bye I love you Ally," I say. And we leave nothing else is said. I think mommy is mad. Also Ally is coming over tonight, just Ally.
After dinner, we had hamburgers thanks to Ally and Mommy. I go up to my room to get my I-pad. I want to show Ally what I gave my mom for her birthday.
I get back and flop down in the middle of them on the couch. Mommy was on the phone and got up to go to the kitchen.
Jen's POV
"Miss. Lawrence the results are back and they came back....." The doctor said.
This is it the end, 😢. The little 18 month year old we all met 70 story updates ago, is taking on new challenges 😭. Follow the next chapter in Taylor Ann Lawrence's life in the sequel with should be up in the next day. I'll put the information on here.
This would be weird for me to answer, so you do it!

What do you think the doctor says?
I won't say!

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