Gathering Before The New Greenie Shows Up

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8 AN: Is it okay with the time-skipping? Because if I don't have it, then it will just get boring. Nah, it's probably boring already. Whatever, shanks. Enjoy my masterpiece (not):

Emily's P.O.V.

Well, it has been a month since the shuck-face Minho came to the Glade. We have gotten quite close to each other in the little time frame we have had. It's surprising how fast you'll befriend someone in a month.

In addition, I also made Minho a Runner — but only after this damn, shucking long argument with Alby. When I saw how Minho put the kitchen on fire and ran for his life, I knew he would be a great Runner. He was a fast shank, and it would almost be illegal to not make him a Runner.

And that's how I found Minho a job.

But seriously though, how come that none of them are good at being a Medjack or a Cook? I'm tired of being the one who has to stitch them up and making them food because they obviously can't do shit without almost killing themselves.

Speaking of those shanks — Alby called a Gathering this morning before the new Greenie is showing up.

It must be important if he calls a meeting this early.

"I have called a Gathering today because we need to discuss something important," Alby broke the ice after we were all seated in our chairs in the Homestead.

"Yeah, your snoring," I muttered, making Alby glare at me. "Sorry."

"As I was saying, we need to discuss something — we need to talk about the Greenies," He continued.

"What about them?" George asked.

"We aren't going to kill them, are we?" Minho asked the stupidest question I have ever heard.

"Yes, shuck-face, we are going to kill the Greenies because we don't want to interact with more people, and therefore, we have to end each and every one of them." The sarcasm was dripping from my words, which made George and Newt cover their mouths to block their laughter.

"Shuck-face," he muttered.



"Klunk-hino." My rude name made the Gladers (except for Minho who rolled his eyes at me) laugh.

"Okay, concentrate, shanks!" Alby raised his voice, implying that we shut up and listen. I glanced at Minho with a smirk, which he replied with an eye roll to. "We need to talk about future Greenies. And I know that we all—" Alby stopped and looked at me. "Almost everyone knows that they are only sending up boys."

"What! Shuck no!" I shot up from the chair, already on my feet to protest. "Those shucking Creators are going to send up a girl — just you wait and see."

"Emily, don't you see that they're only sending up boys now? You're the only girl at the moment, and you will - most likely - be the only one in the Glade." Alby gestured to the guys in the room before giving me a side glance.

"What about Newt?" I pointed at the Brit who glared at me with daggers while the others laughed. "They can't just send one girl and let the rest be boys." It didn't make sense to me, why would the Creators just send me and then boys only? Was I a mistake? "You can't be certain about this, Alby, I mean, yes, I see that they have sent up three boys in a row now, but that doesn't mean that they're not going to send up some girls."

"Emily, I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but I really doubt that they're going to be more girls in the Glade." Albert continued.

"No. You don't know that, and they can't do that." I continued to protest, not wanting to give up my case.

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