Bonfire Stuff

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46 AN: Other PLL fans here? Because I know who the shuck Charles is! If you read this, and have noe idea of what I just said. Then you've wasted your time. Continue & Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

Oh. My. Shucking. God. FINALLY! Those damn Creators finally sent up a girl! I just KNEW they would send up one! I KNEW IT! And now I can't stop rubbing it in other people's faces. Ha! Take that you shucked up shuck-tards! I was right, you were wrong! Let sing together suck-faces! I was right, you were wrong! Ha, take that you idiots!

Teresa and I have had really fun! She is AWESOME and nice to talk to! It's so good to FINALLY have another girl in this glade! Now, I can finally talk to her and be all 'girly'. Even though I have Frypan or Chuck to do that with... Don't tell them I said that...

Anyways! Thomas, my pain in the ass brother, has taken a liking on her. And I, Minho and Chuck are SO getting them together! We just need to find a way for the rest of the 'gang' to know what we're planning at, without Thomas knowing and getting us in the slammer for... Maybe a lifetime... Still not telling you shuck-faces what we did! I still can't figure out how Thomas found out? Ugh... I need to find something against him and blackmail him for something... I need to have a chat with my contacts again...

Oh, before I forget. We're having a bonfire tonight! YAS!

So I was walking with Teresa to the bonfire, because she wasn't comfortable with being alone with the guys. She was more comfortable with me, since, you know, I am THAT fabulous! Okay, the real reason was because I am a girl and she's a girl, sooo... I think you figure it out yourself.

"Ey shuck-face!" The voice to the sassy ass runner shouted. "Are you coming or what?" Seriously? Minho? Really?

"No, shank!" I started. "We were about to find Miley Cyrus and watch her wrecking a ball! What do you think?" He rolled his eyes at me, and muttered something... That shouldn't be said out loud in front of kids... If you think I would let him get away with saying those stuff, then you're SO wrong... Let's just say that... Um.. We might came in a swearing/curse fight... And got yelled at by Albert and his minion: Newt... What? Minho was the one starting it!

So apparently Jeff, Clint, Newt, Alby, Thomas, Chuck, Teresa (who suddenly became comfortable around the guys), Minho and I was by the bonfire with the other gladers, and was having a little game called: 'First thing ever'. It's really easy, you just ask someone what's the first thing they have ever said or done. Or where's the first place you did that and that. So it basically means the first thing you ever said or done.

Newt and I was explaining the game for the gladers, because this was the first time we played it.

"So you can only ask the first thing ever." I explained.

"Yeah, let's take an example." Newt said and looked at me. "Who was the first shank to say shuck-face?"

Then suddenly everyone said a name in unison. "Emily," they said and looked at me.

"Woah, woah! Hold on! How can you shuck-faces be so sure that I was the first shuck-face, to ever say shuck-face?" I said annoyed and everyone looked at me with an 'Are-you-shucking-serious-look'. Then it hit me. "Yeah, I was the first one to say shuck-face..." I said and sat down with Minho and Teresa by my side.

"So now you understand the game. Let's begin!" Newt said and the game had begun.

The game was really fun! We laughed really hard, and this was just a really good time. But then this shucked up question came...

"Alby!" A glader said, making him look up at him. "What's the first thing..." He thought of his question, and then looked at me with an amused smile. "Emily ever said to you?"

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now