You Dead...

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36 AN: I'm debating with myself if I should let Theresa come up... Wait and see my friends... MUHAHAHAH, nah, that wasn't even any evil... Wait! It is to my sweet character: Emily... Should I send up another girl *fake thinks* Hmmm... EMILY: "Yes, you stupid shuck-face! I will literally kill you if you don't!" ... Okay, what the shuck just happened? Ugh.. I'm even weirder than Em. Oh well. Continue & enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

Oh. My. Shucking. Of. A. Shuck. God. In. Shuckiness. Sweet. Heaven. Above. Minho and I are a thing! We're together. AHHHHHHH!!!!!! Okay, I need to relax... CAN'T BREATH! MINHO AND I! OMG! Okay, I forgot to breath! AIR! I NEED AIR!


Okay, I have calmed down... But seriously! Minho and I are together! As in Boyfriend and girlfriend! No, this is not an April fool! Or a joke! It is really, really, really, really real! If you don't believe me, then go and ask MY boyfriend, Minho. Yep, you heard me. MY!


Okay, this just became weirder... Ugh, I'm even weirder than the person above with this "AN" thingy. What the shuck is that suppose to mean anyways!?

I was walking through the glade. Happy and excited for the runners to come back. You see, Minho and I are together. And I still need to poke his face to make sure it is real. Ugh, I have never been so happy in my life! (okay, maybe when Frypan made me a chocolate cake... Come on! CHOCOLATE CAKE + EMILY = OVEREXCITED, CRAZY ASS GIRL.)

He and I have been together for almost 3 days! I know. 3 shucking days I have been with this shuck-face, Minho, who I love as not a brother of friend or family. But as the love of my life. The person I want to spend the rest of my life with. The person I want to grow old with... Shuck... I have been spending waaaaaay to much free time with Chuck. That kid is literally crazier than the amor!

I walked in the kitchen, where most of the gladers were eating their lunch by. But I wasn't here for lunch. Nope. I was here for something else.

"Ey, Fry!" I yelled when I walked through the doors.

"Ey, Em!" He mocked me back, but smiled.

"Do you have scissors?" I asked as I reached him.

"Scissors?" He asked looking at me with confusion. "What the shuck do you want scissors for?"

"I have concidered to cut my hair," I said like it wasn't a big deal. But for this shuck-face, it was like I told him I was murdering someone.

"Are you out of your mind!?" He shouted, making me back up at his outburst. "You're going to cut your hair!?" Now he was making a big scene, and now everyone had heard, and now everyones eyes widened and looked at me like I had killed someone. Then the yelling started...

"You're going to cut your hair!?"

"You out of you mind!?"

"Why would you do such a horrible thing!?" Okay, what the shuck is wrong with the gladers and the obsession with my hair? Then some of the shanks came. Meaning: Mr. President Albert, Mr. Vise-president Newton, Chucker, Sir. Clinton doctor 1 and Sir. Jefferson doctor 2. The two last shanks were still running through the maze.

"You're not in hell going to cut your hair, Emily!" The british accent said, Newton.

"Why do you wanna cut your hair, Em? I don't want you to go all bald and-" Clint started, but I cut him off.

"Oh my shucking god! I'm not going bald for heavens sake!" I said throwing my arms in the air like I had given up on life. "I never said-" I started, but got cut off my boyfriends and brothers voices. Why the shuck are they so early for?

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now