Told Ya!

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44 AN: Hello, people. No comments from me today. Continue & Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

Idiots of shucked up morons shuck-faces. Motherfuckers of idiots. Bitchy bitches who knows how to bitch out people. I'm sorry for my language. But, you know... WHO THE HELL LEAVES TWO PEOPLE IN THE SLAMMER?! OVER NIGHT! I MEAN, WHO THE HELL CAN 'FORGET' TO LET OUT THE KEEPER OF THE RUNNERS AND THE OTHER SECOND IN COMMAND, AND NOT TO MENTION, THE ONLY SHUCKING GIRL!? IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO REMEMBER! ONE OF THEM WHO 'FORGOT' IS MY DAMN BROTHER! AND THE OTHERS IS THE PEOPLE I HAVE KNOWN FOR 3 YEARS! Except for Chuck, that I've known for like, 2 months... BUT STILL!

I have calmed down... Barely...

Anyways, today is the day another greenie is coming! YAS! I'm excited, because it can be a girl this time! Well, that's what I said last time too, but still. All the other shuck-faces don't think another girl will be sent up... Idiots... Whatever.

Another thing too! Minho and I are not fighting anymore! YEY! So now he just need to stop being a shuck-face and actually TRUST me. Yep, also I have might killed someone... It was his own fault! He shouldn't had spread the rumors about me cheating. That's what you get motherfuckers for spreading fake rumors about me. Now the dead motherfucker is under us. Dead. Okay, maybe not. But I did confront him, and he was all: 'Sorry, Emily. I did this for us!' and all that bullshit. Let just say he got a really LOOOOOONG slammer-time. Yeah, apparently it's not allowed to ruin Minho and I's relationship or make us fight... Don't ask me! I don't even know! Our friends were all: 'If any of you motherfuckers ruin this relationship we spent several years trying to get together. Then you're all shucked up dead shuck-faces!'

Minho and I agreed to never talk to them about our relationship problems, because seriously, they're really obsessed with our relationship! I mean, I think that Chuck has written a book about us!

I got the most weirdest and shucked up friends ever...

I was walking to the box with Minho and Thomas, since they weren't running today. Minho got a day off, and Thomas wants to meet the new greenie.

"I mean, it's not like it's illegal!" I argued to Minho since we were discussing something. Thomas was just laughing at us.

"Emily. It is illegal!" Minho said throwing his hands in the air. "You can't just be a serial-killer legally!"

"Pfft! I'm gonna find a hole in that rule!" I said all serious. Minho just rolled his eyes at me, and we continued to discuss. I mean! It could be legal to be a serial-killer, right?

"What are they arguing about now?" I heard the oh-famous-accent to oh-not-so-mighty-Newt asking Thomas who were laughing at us.

"Come on! We could be partners!" I said to Minho.

"Emily is arguing with Minho about being a serial-killer legally." Thomas explained laughing.

"I don't want to be your serial-killer partner! Why the hell does you want to be a serial-killer anyways!?" Minho asked and looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want to be a serial-killer. I just want to know if you can be a serial-killer legally." I said rolling my eyes. "Why is it that hard to understand?"

"Because that's not a normal thing to talk about," the oh-mighty-Albert said coming out from nowhere. Damn, is he a wizard or what?

"It COULD be legal!" I shot back.

"It can't!" The boys said in unison.

"No matter how many times you do that, I will always find it creepy that you say everything in unison." I said looking at these shuck-faces.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now