Wait What?

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42 AN: Yeah, I didn't like the last chapter. It sucked, I know. But I hadn't any ideas! I suck at english AND writing! Damn it! Oh well, I like to write, so I will continue, even if it's the weirdest shit ever! #YoloWritingStuff #WhatTheHellHashtagWasThat? #OkayINeedToStop #LOL #OkayI'mSeriousNow #Kidding! #ForeverAlone... I don't even know... Continue & Enjoy:

Emily's P.O.V.

Minho's dead. Minho's not dead. Minho's dead. Minho's not dead... He better win, or he's dead.

The games went on, and now it's a draw between Gally and Minho. Damn it! Hell no I'm not kissing any shuck-face with weird and crazy eyebrows! Have you seen them!? I used 2 years to decipher what he's face-expressions tells. I mean, is he surprised everyday? Is he mad? Is he sad? (Pfft... Like HE could ever be sad?). I mean it's almost impossible! But not for me! ... shuck... I feel like I'm a stalker now... Did I seriously use 2 years to decipher his eyebrows? Wow, I must have a lot of free time...

Anyways! Minho better win! He's sorry ass is in thin ice.

We only have one game left, and winning this game, you can get 3 points! Being the second you will get 2, and third you will get 1 point. So Minho HAS to win this. I will burn and literally pull of the skin on my lips, if I'm kissing that crazy-eyebrow-shank! No joke. I'm serious!

I walked over to Minho who was making himself ready. He looked nervous. Well, he better be.

"Minho. You better win this, or else-"

"Or else I'm dead. Yeah I got that after those 1000 threatenings, and the nightmares I will have because of you." He said and I just smiled and gave him a hug. He looked surprised, but hugged me right back.

"Don't give me a reason to kill you. I love you too much to kill you, idiot." I said as I pulled away.

"Then don't kill me for shucks sake!" He said looking at me.

I just laughed. "Hahahaha-no." And got all serious at the end of my sentence. "Don't disappoint me, shuck-face." I pointed at him and walked to the audience that were watching the game.

"Never, shank."

"Good luck, slinthead." I smiled and nodded over to Alby. Ugh, I still hate him. But we have to communicate in one way...

"Shut your holes!" Alby shouted and the whole glade went silence. "We only have 3 people in this game." Then the gladers cheered really loud. I almost had to cover my ears! I mean, they have more lungs than girls on a JB concert! "We have Kenneth!" His friends and the gladers cheered. "Gally!" The cheering went wild! Shuck it! After the games, I will be deaf! "And Minho!" Yep, I'm deaf... Those gladers must had practiced this! I mean an Opera-singer couldn't have bigger lungs than these shuck-faces!

"The game is pretty easy." Newt continued as the gladers stopped cheering. Hallelujah! "You have to run around the glade, and get passed the preventions we have sat up." He pointed at the stuff we sat up and some gladers who would ruin for them. "You have to run around the whole glade, and get to the finish line." Okay, Minho could do that. He's fast. He's strong. He's... shucked...

I looked at the gladers in front of me. Okay, Minho, please win. For not only me, but for your own life!

"Okay, ready!" I shouted and you could literally feel them tense up. "Set!" My heart was beating really fast. Minho, do not disappoint me shuck-face. "GO!" My hair was literally blown when they ran. Damn! Minho was in the lead (of course), while Gally and Kenneth was neck to neck and behind Minho.

"Come on, Minho!"

"Go Gally!"

"You can do this!" The gladers shouted at them. Most of them was aimed for Minho or Gally.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz