New Greenie!

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Emily's P.O.V.

Today a new greenie is coming up! YAS! I have never been this excited! Okay, I have always been this excited when a new greenie is coming up. Also as you know, I'm awake from the coma. Apparently I had lost a lot of blood, so my body had to shut down to make it heal again. I can't run for another 1 week, but my cut's has healed, but I still need bandages on them. I was greeted with a big welcome from the boys, and I couldn't be happier. Yes, I was still scared. But now Alby had made someone to always watch me. It's really weird you know? I can't walk alone in the glade, and can't be left alone without having someone to keep an eye on me. Even Alby is the one watching me! Newt won't leave my side either, I don't know if it is because he has to watch me or because he really missed me. Both of the options I suppose.

I was limping my way to the box, since the newbie alarm went off a short time ago. It was hard, because every step I took just hurt. Suddenly someone picked me up bridal style, and I was hitting this person.

"Put me down!" I said. It was Gally, who picked me up.

"Emily, you're hurt, and you're just hurting your foot even more by walking on it." He said not bothering to put me down.

"I'm not walking on it. I'm limping on it." I said making him roll his eyes. I struggled to get out from grip, with no use of course. Damn it, I hate being the weak one... When we reached the box, he put me down and I glared at him. "I could had walked you know."

"Yeah, of course you could. But that would take a year for you to come to that shucking box." He said rolling his eyes at me.

"Whatver, shuck-face." I said waiting for the box to come up. Newt sat beside me, and I asked the question I always asks. "Do you think they will send up a girl?"

Newt rolled his eyes, and then sighed. "No, Emily. I don't think they will send up a girl." He said. "It's gonna be a boy."

"A girl."


"Girl." It continued like this until the box was finally up. Some gladers opened up the doors, and the greenie was... a boy.

"Told ya!" Newt said making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well next time they will send up a girl." I said making my way down.

"A boy!" Multiply gladers said in unison.

"You need to believe shuck-faces!" I shouted at them, I could practically hear them rolling their eyes at me. Whatever, they can be as much stubborn as they want to.

"Who are you? Why am I here? Where am I? What's going on? How-" The greenie continued to ask, and I looked at the boy. He was dark-skinned, and had brown hair with brown eyes.

"Hey, calm down." I said to him, limping a step forward. "We're not gonna hurt ya. I promise," I smiled at him, making him relax a bit. "I will explain everything for you, but let's get out from the box, yeah?" He nodded, and I offered him my hand. He hesitantly took it, and it was a bit hard for me to help him up. "I'm Emily, by the way. And you will remember your name soon." I told him before he could ask any questions.

"Do you want us to throw down the rope?" Newt asked, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"No, I want you to grow your hair so we can use that as a rope!" I said sarcastic, hearing a lot of laughters. Even the greenie started to chuckle.

"Whatever shank." Newt said annoyed. "Throw down the rope!" The rope was then thrown down, and I let the greenie to go up first. He hesitantly climbed up, and I came up after him, with a lot of help. Finally we were up, and the greenie looked terrified of the sight.

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