Our Time Together Is Just Never Quite Enough...

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9 AN: Not spoiling anything. Just enjoy the chapter:

Emily's P.O.V.

Well, it has been one week since the new Greenie showed up. His name is Gally by the way. At first, everyone was skeptical due to his temper. Sure, he did have one, but one shouldn't judge a person by their first impression... Okay, one should but not always.

Although he gets along with the guys alright, I can tell that they won't be best friends. However, I refuse to give up that easily. Due to the many hours that I spent with him, we are friends. Not best friends, but simply acquaintances.

In fact, I actually managed to break him; he cracked a smile. A smile. But that's not the biggest miracle; I, Emily unknown-last-name, also managed to summon a laugh from him. Gally and laughing? Who would've thought?

It is also worth mentioning that he became a builder due to the fact that, that was the only thing he was good at. Let me tell you something, children: being a builder is the worst thing ever. Lifting up heavy stuff? No, thank you. My back would snap in half.

"Come on, Minho! We don't have all day!" I shouted at the shuck-face who was slower than a turtle. Why did I make him a Runner again?

"Coming, you slinthead!" He retorted.

If you did not understand by now, but Minho and I were going into the Maze. Newt would also have accompanied, but since he hurt his damn ankle trying to cook, he couldn't anymore. How these shuckfaces manage to hurt themselves while cooking is beyond me. Really? Just how? As a Medjack, Runner and friend, I told that shank that he was not running for an entire week.

Naturally, he protested against my orders. But is he a Medjack? No. Am I a Medjack? Yes. So, it didn't take lots of convincing from Alby's part for him to agree with me.

"Em, Minho, wait!" Newt shouted after us, his voice barely audible due to the Doors opening.

"Something wrong?" Minho asked.

"No, but Gally and Alby thought of an escape through the box." Newt breathed heavily by the time he reached us. "When the Box goes down, we are going to open the shaft doors and send someone down. We're hoping it could be our ticket out of here."

"Do you think it will work?"

"Don't know, but we need to try," Alby spoke, joining the conversation with George and Gally on his heels.

"Have you thought about the unknown dangers that could be lurking down there? What if something happens?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"This can be our chance out of this hellhole. It's a risk we have to take," Gally argued back, mirroring my narrowed eyes.

"The real question is who we are going to send down," Minho continued the query.

After a moment of silence, I stepped forward, "I will do it."

"No, you will not," Alby shook his head.

"And why is that?"

"Because you're right about what you said; we don't know about the unknown dangers down there. Therefore, we can't risk one of our best resources in the Glade."

"So, what? We're just gonna risk some of you guys?"

"Emily, you are our best Runner, only Medjack, Cook, and not to mention, the only person with a photographic memory and a wide knowledge of things that we need. If we lose you, the Maze will become even more difficult to figure out." Newt added, his words holding valid points of arguments, which irked me.

The Maze Runner With The Crazy & Lovely Girl: EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now