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Stepping out of the small building, I knew I screwed up the audition. The looks on their faces when I finished reading my lines were enough to tell me that I wouldn't be getting the part. The sad part about that is that it was just a commercial! How pathetic is that?

I puffed air out of my nose in frustration. "God dammit," I cursed. "Can't I catch a break?" I grumbled as I harshly threw the audition flier into a nearby trash can.

I started on my way to my current job, which will probably be my job for my whole life. It's nice and all but I don't feel like making coffee until I retire. I would probably only have twenty bucks to live off of anyways. For the short ten minute walk, I hung my head and self-loathed.

Why am I doing this? For almost two years I've been out here, working my ass off and still nothing? I'm so stupid! I should've never listened to Mr. Shue, everything he told me was a lie! I was only ever special in that stupid choir room. Why didn't I listen to my parents? They were right about it all; acting will never work out. They were smart to not support me, and I was stupid to believe in my fantasy world. I shouldn't have ran away. I should've stayed home, went to college and studied to become an engineer or something successful.

Before I knew it, I walked into the shop with the coffee bean aroma. That made me feel a little better, but not much.

"Hey Y/N! How'd the tryouts go?" My best friend and coworker, Reagan, asked. I gave her a double thumbs down as my answer.

"That bad?" She gave me a sympathetic look. Reagan knew how difficult starting a career like mine was, after all she is a DJ and in a band.

"Yeah. But that's okay, I didn't want to promote Ranch anyways," I brushed it off as I stepped behind the counter and put my apron on.

"You could do so much better than that, chica," she said as she tied my string. "Now Heinz ketchup, that's something you could try for!"

"Shut up," I laughed. The bell on the door ringed, signaling a customer entered, so Reagan went to take his order at the cashier while I set myself up to make his order.

I looked over at the customer and noticed how professional he looked with a black suit, white collared shirt and red tie. It must be nice to be that rich I thought.

"One vanilla latte with a shot of expresso!" Reagan called his order to me. I grabbed the materials and started making the latte. "So what's next on your list?" Reagan questioned since there were no other customers.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What's your next audition?"

"Oh," I looked down in defeat. "I'm not exactly sure."

"Well I saw this flier for a new TV series," she told me chirpily. "I grabbed it off of the telephone pole incase you might be interested."

"Yeah maybe. Thanks Rea," I smiled thankfully at her, but I honestly don't have the intentions on trying out. I'm thinking about going back home to Oregon.

I finished making the latte and a new customer walked in. Reagan went to go take the order while I turned to the man in the suit to give him his drink.

"Here you go sir," I smiled kindly at him.

"You're an actress?" He asked, not taking his drink yet.

"Um, yes I am..." I trailed off. He seemed to be observing my face which kind of creeped me out. I was still holding out his coffee, inching it closer to him as a hint.

"Attractive too," he whispered to himself but I still heard. Okay, I've surpassed the creeped out scale.

"Sir, your latte?" He seemed to have forgotten about the drink because he raised his eyebrows and lifted onto his tiptoes for a half-second.

Unscripted (Lauren/You)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora