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A/N    Shoutout to @laurmaniokay for an idea and a couple others for commenting stuff that I had already planned on writing. Enjoy lovelies <3 


I made my way to the makeup room where Lauren was, each step making me more nervous than the last. Her text seemed pretty serious, and since it was right after that conversation with Will, it all just seemed pretty major. Why did it feel like everything was being piled onto me tonight?

All you have to do is get through two more shows, Y/N. Then you can go home and start on your career.

Finding the room, I walked in saw Lauren standing in the middle of the room. She seemed to be fidgeting on her feet, anxiously chewing on her thumbnail.

"Lauren, why did yo-" I started, but when Lauren looked up at me I could see her eyes filled with tears. I hurried over to her, worried about what happened with her and Camila. "What's wrong? What happened?"

Lauren went to say something, but choked on her tears. She covered her mouth and tightly closed her eyes, trying to stop more tears from falling but failing. I pulled her into me, hugging her to my chest as close as possible. I kissed her temple multiple times as she cried into my shoulder, attempting to calm her down. Seeing her like this broke my heart to a point that I've never felt before. I could feel something within me become empty, as if her sadness took something from me. I couldn't tell if it was her being sad that hurt me, or if it was the reason she was sad, because I had a gut feeling as to what it was.

"Camila knows," I felt her shudder into my shirt.

"What?" I asked.

Lauren slightly pulled away from me, her head low. "Camila knows about us," she mumbled.

I sighed, not loving the situation but knowing it would've happened eventually. "Well, I guess that's best for now. I mean, she does kind of have the right to know."

Lauren shook her head, "She doesn't like it."

I shrugged, "That's understandable. I am supposed to be with her, n-"

"No," Lauren cut me off. "I mean she likes you, Y/N."

Caught off guard, I scrunched my face in confusion, "What?"

"She likes you. And I didn't see that. And I went for you. Even though I shouldn't have because I thought you two were together. And maybe that could have happened if I didn't ruin it. God, why do I ruin everything for her?" she ranted.

I could see the self-hatred she held, getting worse with every word that left her lips. "Lauren," I tried to stop her.

"I'm such a terrible person," she cried.

"No, you are not," I said sternly, shaking her out of her self-pity episode. I looked her dead in the eyes as I said, "You are one of the kindest, most generous, people I have ever met, Lauren. You are everything anyone could ever need and more. Don't you ever think that about yourself, because it is the farthest thing from the truth."

I don't think Lauren accepted my words because her eyes still held sadness. She shook her head and cried, "I hurt her, Y/N. I hurt my best friend."

"You didn't mean to, Laur, and that's what matters. If she can't see that your heart is good and pure then she doesn't really know you, and that's on her."

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