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I let out a heavy sigh as I dropped my suitcase down on my bed.

Finally home, I thought.

The tour was over, and so was my dream job. The only shot I had at something that I've wanted to do for my whole life, thrown away for a girl. A girl that won't even talk to me. So, you know, totally worth it.

Camila told me some more shit went down with the girls and Will. She didn't tell me exactly what happened, saying that it was Lauren's decision to tell me or not.

It turns out she decided not to tell me.

There's not much I can do about it, though, since I'm no longer around her everyday. I'm not sure what more I can do. If she doesn't want to talk to me, then she won't. I'm not going to force her to do something she doesn't want to do.

Although, it does hurt.

Well, if me and her aren't going to happen, then I'm going to try and fight for my job. Maybe I can talk Will into giving me a second chance? At least I can hope.

I called Reagan to pick me up and drive me to the Epic Records building. She was confused but agreed nonetheless. I explained everything going on in my head to her during the car ride, causing her to get excited.

"Yes, Y/N! You go girl! Get your job back!"

The car started to swerve in the lane due to her practically jumping in her seat.

"Rea, calm down!" I demanded, yet laughing.

"Sorry. But I've never heard you so determined about something before!"

"Well, I want my job back," I chuckled, realizing that I had spoken with more force than usual. I really want that movie deal.

"Then I guess we got to convince him somehow," she smirked, earning a small smile from me.

For the rest of the short car ride, I went through what I was going to say to Will when I saw him. I really hope he was in his office, because if not then there might be a problem. Pulling into the parking lot, some doubt starting creeping into my head.

"Don't worry, Y/N," Reagan said, seeing the look on my face. I looked at my best friend, sensing that she was about to calm my nerves. "It'll work out for you."

I gave her a small smile and a nod afterwards. We both got out of her car and walked towards the entrance, each step infusing more confidence into myself.

I was ready.

Walking in, I saw the same old lady sitting at the desk as the last time I was here. She looked up at me and Reagan, sending a sweet smile our way.

I returned the smile and said, "Hi, how are you today?"

"I'm good, dear. How you are?"

"I'm doing well, thanks."

"What can I do for you?"

"Do you know if William Chester is in? I have to meet with him," I asked her, trying to make it seem I was still doing business with him so I wasn't shooed away.

"Do you have a meeting with him?"

"Not officially," I answered, acting casual. "He told me to come in today, but he forgot to tell me when he was free."

"Well, he is out at a meeting right now. I'm sorry, dear," she said sadly.

Even though my face fell, I still had hope. "That's okay. Do you know when he'll be back in?"

"Let me check," she smiled happily, redirecting her attention to a computer screen in front of her. I heard some slow tapping on the keys, then some mouse clicks. The bright light from the screen reflected off her glasses, allowing me to vaguely see small movements she was doing on the computer. I waited patiently for a bit longer, then she perked up in her seat, "It looks like the only open time he has is tonight at 9:30. You can try again then."

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