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Camila huffed, trudging her feet across the carpet sullenly. This was the last thing she wanted to do, but she had promised. Camila knew she had already put a blunder in their friendship, but she refused to lose Y/N altogether. Whatever string she had to hold onto that girl, Camila would grasp as tightly onto it as she could. So, if that means talking to Lauren about getting back together with Y/N, then she would do it.

After all, it is her fault they had to split up in the first place. It's the least she could do.

The last scuff of the soft noise sounded, landing Camila right next to Lauren as she sat on a couch staring at her phone. Lauren peeked at her ex-best friend through her eyelids, sending her a weird, yet surprised, look. Seeing her displeased expression, Lauren expected that nothing good was going to come of this conversation. Still, Lauren proceeded.

"Hey, Camila," Lauren warily greeted.

Camila let out a sigh, wanting to get this over with but not wanting to be rude so Y/N would have the best chance. "Hey."

Not knowing how to start the conversation in a nice way, Camila took a couple seconds to think. Lauren immediately felt the awkward and tense air, but did her best to not let it faze her. Raising an eyebrow, Lauren questioned, "Can I help you?"

Feeling weird about this, Camila rubbed the back of her neck. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Lauren instantly didn't want to talk to Camila. She knew how it would end, no matter what she tried. Camila was just too set on hating her, and quite honestly, Lauren was done trying to repair something that was now nonexistent to the younger girl. There was no going back, and there was barely any going forward either.

"Sure," Lauren said monotonously, turning her phone off and putting it done on her stomach. "What is it?"

Being cordial wasn't hard for Lauren, but it was extremely difficult for Camila. The Cuban was exuding awkwardness from her pores, and if Lauren was assuming correctly, a little bit of spite.

"Y/N," Camila answered.

Lauren's immediate response was an eye roll. As she picked her phone back up to go on it again, she replied, "I'm not going down this hole with you again."

"Lauren, I don't want to fight," Camila sighed, a hint of genuineness flowing from her tone.

Lauren sensed her tone, debating whether or not to read into it, however.

"You don't have to say anything to me," Camila started. She sat down next to Lauren, a respectable amount of space between them, and said, "But please just listen to what I have to say."

Lauren noticed the 'please' in her statement, realizing that Camila must be pretty serious right now. As she turned to look at her, Lauren recognized the amount of difficulty Camila was going through being here, too. She wanted to help make it easier for her; if it were any other topic she would. But Y/N was just a sensitive subject for her. The thought of the girl caused her chest to go hollow, and Lauren wanted to avoid that feeling as much as she could.

Though Lauren was just thinking, Camila took her silence as permission to go on. "I talked to Y/N the other night."

Lauren's eyes darted up to Camila, not expecting her to speak nor say that she spoke with Y/N. "About what?" Lauren asked, accidentally getting herself stuck in the conversation.

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