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A/N   So, I suck at updating, but I warned y'all, and I'm sorry for being shit with keeping it updated. But hey, summer is here! So I'll have more time to write. Hope y'all enjoy!

"I fucking hate you guys," Normani grumbled, trying to block us out by focusing her attention on her phone.

All this did was cause me and Dinah to break into more fits of laughter, and we didn't even try to contain them. We were laughing so hard that we couldn't keep the phone steady in our hands. There was basically no point in playing the video because both of our eyes were squeezed shut as our bellows flew out of our mouths. My abs were starting to hurt from all this laughing, but I couldn't stop myself, and Dinah had the same dilemma.

"What is so funny?" Ally questioned as she walked to the front of the bus.

"It's not even funny," Normani sighed with an eye roll.

"You're right," Dinah said through slight chuckles. "It's fucking hilarious." We both continued our laughs as we watched, yet again, Normani falling victim to Dinah's prank. 

"Is that the video of Normani freaking out from that syrup?" Ally asked.

"What else would it be?" Normani asked in annoyance.

"Oh my, y'all have got to get over that. You've been watching that nonstop for days now," Ally advised.

"We can't. It's too damn funny!" Dinah basically screamed through hardy laughs.

"I can't believe you actually thought it was blood!" I exclaimed, then threw my head back while holding tightly onto my stomach to try and contain the striking pain.

"What the hell else was I supposed to think?" Normani shot back frustrated.

"You know I love to start tours out with pranks!" Dinah excused.

"I'm all for your pranks, Dinah," Lauren said as she joined us in the front lounge. "But this one was out of hand." All Dinah had as a response was an eye roll, which is exactly what I imagined myself doing in that moment. "I mean, do you know how much of a struggle that would be to clean up?" Lauren sassed.

"Yeah. Exactly," Normani jumped on the train to defend herself.

"Calm down there, Lo," Camila walked in. "I'm sure they've dealt with far worse," she chuckled.

"For real. I mean, it is a hotel after all," Dinah agreed. "And you seriously can't tell me that Normani's reaction isn't hysterical."


"It is hilarious," Camila concurred, cutting Lauren off. All she did was roll her eyes then head back to her bunk to isolate herself. "Lemme watch it again," Camila scurried to the couch next to me. We played the video again, chuckling up until the moment Normani screamed when she saw that there was syrup on her sheets at the foot of her bed. Yet again, we let out hearty laughs that filled the entire bus.

"Y'all are the worst," Normani mumbled, giving up by throwing her head back on the couch.


We have finally made it back to LA, but we're just passing through. The girls have a show here tonight, then right after we're on the road and heading to Las Vegas. I don't particularly like being home just yet, but at least it's only for a day. I think I can handle that.

Reagan has already texted me for plans to meet up so I can, and I quote, "tell her all the juicy details that come with big-shot tour life." That girl sometimes.

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