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I walked through the door of the very small and very quiet apartment and looked around at my surroundings. The door shut behind me then Camila took a step next to me and said, "Let me give you the tour."

Camila was a little nervous about me being here, I could tell. She's worried about what the other girls might say to me. According to Camila, the girls always try to get the set up pair broken up by isolating the other person to such an extent that they ultimately quit.

"Over here," Camila said as she opened a door to the left, "is my room." I looked inside and saw a pretty disorganized bedroom with a sky blue and white theme. "Over there," Camila continued the tour, leaving her door open. She was pointing to the other side of the main room with a small table, a mini fridge and a microwave, "Is my personal kitchen. And that door," she pointed to a door that was on the same wall as her bedroom, "is the bathroom. It's connected to my room, too."

"Nice," I nodded my head as I took her apartment in. A little perplexed, I furrowed my eyebrows and voiced my thoughts, "Smaller than I expected, though." I would've thought her management would supply her with a roomier apartment.

Camila chuckled, "Yeah, but at least it's my own. We all have an apartment like this. Since we spend a lot of time in LA recording and whatnot, we wanted a room to our own for our privacy. And our sanity."

"Makes sense," I said. "You guys would get sick of each other so fast," I giggled, knowing my statement was true.

"Oh yeah," Camila agreed instantly.

Looking at her kitchen, I saw another door on the far wall. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at the door.

"That," Camila breathed, walking to the door, "is where all of our personal apartments link up."

"Link up?" I accidentally thought out loud.

"Yep," Camila replied, popping the 'p.' "Brace yourself," she muttered right before she opened the door and revealed all four girls watching TV. None of their heads moved away from the screen, too engrossed with the show to do so. Camila and I both stepped into the much larger room, much like a living room with a legitimate kitchen ten steps away, and shut the door behind us.

Ally heard the noise and spoke up, "Hey Mila, how was breakf-" she stopped mid-sentence when she turned her head and saw me. "Oh, hello," she greeted in confusion. This got the others' attention and they all turned to look at me, judgmental looks on all of their faces.

"Hi," I waved to them all, acting as if their looks didn't bother me. Camila stayed silent, so I looked at her and saw her gazing at the ground. I nudged her and jokingly said, "Don't be rude, Camila."

She looked up and scrunched her face in confusion. "Huh?" she breathed, raising her eyebrows at me.

"She asked you a question..." I trailed off, waiting for her to realize it.

Eyebrows still furrowed, Camila turned towards Ally, "What?"

I chuckled, the decided to answer for her, "Breakfast was delicious. Thanks for asking."

Ally hummed in response then looked down at her phone and typed away. The other girls stayed quiet, giving each other looks every now and again.

No liking the awkward tension, I sparked up a conversation, "So what are you guys watching?" I pointed to the TV, which displayed some people in a forest.

It took a minute for an answer, but Normani finally replied, "A show called The 100. We just started the series."

"Oh, I love this show!" I exclaimed excitedly. "It's so good, I'm sure you guys will love it."

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