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"Thanks again for becoming my agent," I said as I drove to the address Mr. Chester texted me last night. I was using her car since I couldn't afford one yet.

"You better be grateful. I woke up at six for your sorry ass," Reagan grumbled. I had called her late last night begging her to be my agent, at least temporarily until I could find a real one. She didn't have a problem agreeing to that, but getting her up early this morning didn't sit well with her. She hates getting up before dawn, she claims that it's 'inhumane' to wake up before the sun has risen. I get her point, but there's too much to be done in a day to sleep in until noon everyday. I don't know how she is capable of sleeping in past ten, let alone three, which I have seen her do before on multiple occasions. That girl is in a coma every time she falls asleep.

"Yes, I know, and I owe you big time," I expressed, genuinely appreciative she had done this for me. Posing as my agent had been a huge favor to ask of anyone, and I'm so glad I have a best friend like her who'd do this for me.

"Yeah, yeah," she huffed, waving her hand in my direction signaling that there was no need for me to do anything, then dropped her head into the palm of her head and closed her eyes. She wanted to take a nap, but we had just arrived.

"We're here," I announced, emitting a groan from Reagan. It was deep and raspy due to her morning voice she hadn't gotten rid of yet. "Do you need some water?" I asked, more like hinted at for her to accept.

"No, why?" she asked, not catching my implication.

"Your voice," I tapped my throat in indication. "It's raspy."

"It's the morning," Reagan answered, narrowing her eyes at me. To her, that answer was credible enough, but she didn't know how important this was.

"Reagan, can you act at least a little professional in there?" I begged. "I really need this. You know that." I jutted my lip out in a pout and gave her my best puppy-dog eyes. I didn't use this on people much, but when I did they seemed to give in to my dark green eyes and agree to what I wanted; except for my parents, of course.

Reagan rolled her eyes and sighed, "Alright, alright. Just stop with that face, it's creeping me out." She gave me a sideways glance and glared at me, but she had agreed.

I smiled brightly at her and wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her into me and kissing her cheek. "Thank you!" I squealed.

"No problem bud," she said, patting my stomach. Reagan wasn't the biggest fan of affection; she usually stuck with a fist bump if she absolutely had to touch someone. But I was a hugger. We compromised that I would only hug her under important circumstances and that she would reciprocate in some manner. Considering the awkward positioning over the counsel in between us, she was doing her part of the deal. I let her go, satisfied with the short hug and our arrangement.

"Alright," I sighed. I reached to the backseat of her black 2000 Buick Regal and grabbed a half full water bottle, handing it over to Reagan. She reluctantly took it and started drinking some, soothing out her morning voice a little. "Let's hear it," I ordered.

Once she finished a quarter of the Aquafina, she spoke, "Testing, testing, you're a dumbass, testing." I ignored her little comment with a slight eye roll. The water had helped, but it wasn't completely normal. I looked at the clock and saw we only had ten more minutes until eight.

"It'll have to do, c'mon," I told her and got out of the car. Reagan got out of the passenger seat and joined me on our way into the official-looking building.

"So how did your boy toy take the news last night?" Reagan asked.

"Pretty well. Better than I thought he would actually."

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