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A/N    I've decided to double update and give y'all something from a different perspective. Hope you like it! But honestly, you may not...


The crowds' screams were blaring as the five girls tried to sing over them. The fans were loving every second of it, and the girls showed their love back. Each one made sure to connect to some fans by pointing, waving, smiling, or anything just to show their own personal love. They knew it was thanks to them that they've made it this far; they knew that they couldn't have done it without the Harmonizers.

Lauren was scanning the crowd, hoping to see that familiar face. She was a little disappointed when she couldn't spot Y/N, but understood she was probably still busy with her own stuff. Lauren just wanted to see her, to feel a sense of comfort and support after the dreadful interview earlier that day. Once it was posted, all the fans would know exactly who Camila was seeing. It was obvious. When Camila referred to Y/N as just a friend, she couldn't help but think about when she called Brad 'a really good friend'. And look how that turned out, she thought. Lauren was so embarrassed by the fact that she actually chose to date him, so she tried to play it off as just a management set up. Dinah was the only one that knew the truth about Brad.

Dinah was the first to notice that Lauren was a bit off tonight, Camila sensing it soon after. Both girls had an idea about what was wrong with their bandmate, but only one cared. Camila ignored it, going on to do her own thing and woo the crowd. Dinah, though, went out of formation a little bit to dance with Lauren in attempt to get her back in the groove.

Lauren noticed it and understood her friend's intent, silently thanking her by bumping their shoulders together with a smile. She knew Dinah would talk to her about it after the show, but put that on the back-burner as she rocked out the last couple songs to their set.

At the end of the show, the girls all thanked the crowd for coming out, told them they loved them all, then said their goodbyes as they walked off the stage. Each of the girls walked backstage, sweat dripping down their skin from the long performance.

"Boy, am I glad I have the shower first," Normani chuckled, heading straight for the bathroom.

Lauren sighed, knowing she'd have to wait since it was her turn to be fourth in line. She walked to a small lounge where she left her phone, opening it up to see no messages from Y/N. The gray dots were there, though, so Lauren figured the other girl forgot to hit send like she usually does. A small smile formed as she thought about Y/N, but it was short lived.

"Yo, Lauren," she heard Dinah call. She looked up at the taller girl, knowing what was about to come. "You okay?"

Lauren forced a smile, "Peachy."

Dinah had to restrict herself from rolling her eyes at Lauren. They both knew she wasn't okay, and Dinah just wanted to get right to it so she could help.

"I think we both know that's a lie," Dinah said gently enough to keep it a safe environment so Lauren could open up. "C'mon. Vent, Mama," Dinah encouraged, sitting down on the couch to signal that she was there to listen.

Lauren plopped down on the couch next to her friend. She really wanted someone to talk to about this, but knew that she couldn't. Everything was too fragile.

She let out a tired sigh and said, "I'm just stressed."

"About what?"

Lauren was having an internal battle, wanting so badly to tell Dinah everything that was going on but knowing too much was at stake. Especially for Y/N. So, she decided against it. "It's nothing I can't handle."

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