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I climbed the stairs of my apartment complex to the fifth floor, which is the top floor of the small building. The elevator hasn't been working since a group of scientist friends accidentally blew it up and destroyed the cables during one of their experiments.

That was about a year ago, and the elevator hasn't been touched except for putting 'Out of Order' signs on the doors for every floor. It's easy to say that the elevator will never be fixed.

Opening my apartment door, the delicious smell of chicken wafted throughout the hallways. "Hey babe, I'm home!" I greeted Asher.

"Hey babe!" he greeted back from the kitchen. I walked in to see him setting up the table for two. "I made dinner," he smiled cheekily. His dimples were showing and his dark brown eyes gleamed with happiness.

"It smells delicious," I told him and walked closer.

"Well thank you," he wrapped his arms around my waist, and mine around his shoulders, and pulled me in for a soft kiss. "Welcome home," he mumbled against my lips.

"Thanks baby," I mumbled back.

"So," he pulled away and turned to cut the chicken. "How'd the audition go?" he asked.

"That was a fluke," I waved off like it was no big deal.

"I'm sorry babe," he sympathetically looked up at me for a second. His straight brown hair was hanging over his tan forehead, almost looking like a young Justin Bieber, just a lot sexier.

"It's alright. I actually have some good news," I said placing my keys in the bowl. Asher and I put our apartment and car keys in a bowl near the refrigerator so we'll never lose them.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Well..." I trailed off as I slowly walked closer to him. "I might have met an important somebody who might have offered me a big role in a movie that might be popular..."

"Y/N! That's amazing!" he cheered. Asher put down the knife and came to me to pick me up in a bear hug, which I gladly reciprocated. "Congratulations babe! You really deserve this."

"Thanks Ash," I smiled. "But I haven't taken the offer yet."

"Why not? Babe, this is major for you. You have to take it."

"There's just a little catch," I bit my lip nervously.

"What is it?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"The guy told me that I would have to pretend to date another one of his clients for their publicity," I slowly explained, watching his facial features to see if I could guess what was going on in his head.

"Date another person?" he asked with a blank face, prohibiting me from knowing what he was thinking about.

"Yeah...he said that was the only way I could get the role."

Asher sighed and loosened his grip around me. He let me go and went over to the sink, setting his hands on the counter and leaning over. I walked over to him and stood as close to his side as I could without touching him.

"I know what this means and I don't have to-"

"You should take it," he interrupted me.

"Really?" I asked shocked, expecting there to be more of an outburst.

"Yeah. I don't want to hold you back from your big break," he smiled softly, earning a wide grin from me. I tightly wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him close to me, feeling his warm arms snake around my waist.

"Thank you so much baby," I happily muttered into his neck. I slightly pulled back to look at him and say, "Are you sure about this? I don't want to do this without your approval."

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