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With much convincing, and by that I mean bribery, the employee let me and Camila into the play-zone. There are a bunch of little kids running amuck in the area, screaming and laughing and crying. I notice that Camila and I are the only ones older than ten years of age, but that didn't stop us from acting like six-year-olds.

We ran around like all of the other children, laughing our asses off when parents in the lounging area gave us weird looks. We could care less about what boring and irrelevant people though of us, so we charge head first into the fun.

I gently push on Camila's shoulder as I quickly say, "Tag, you're it!" I then ran into the plastic tubes and crawled my way away from her.

Since I knocked Camila off balance, I was able to gain a lead from her. Though, my movements were incredibly slow due to the fact that I barely fit in this contraption.

However, my competitive drive kicks in when I hear Camila yell from elsewhere, "Y/N! Get back here!" Hearing the girl's voice call for me at a close distance, I hurriedly squeeze my body forward and try to lose her in this maze.

"Come and get me!" I challenge her.

For another thirty minutes, Camila and I chased each other in the tight tubes. We had acquired a few little kids into our game along the way. The kids were at an unfair advantage since they weren't restricted as much as me and Camila were.

Those little suckers were beating our asses.

After awhile, I ran into Camila at the top of the tubes. Wary about if she was the last one tagged, I slowly backed away from her. She tried to keep her distance from me, too, narrowing her eyes at me skeptically.

"Are you it?" I ask her, preparing myself to dash away.

"I don't know..." she trails off suspiciously. "Are you?"

Scoffing at her breaking the rules, I scold her, "You're not allowed to do that. You have to to tell me if I ask."

"I'm not a cop, Y/N," Camila chuckles. "That's not even a rule," she told me in a rude tone.

"Well it is now," I counter childishly.

Camila rolls her eyes at me but ultimately answers, "No, I'm not it."

I felt my body relax at her words and I breathe out, "Okay, good. Neither am I."

"Then who is?" she questions, but before I could tell her that I had no clue, a loud and angry voice bellows through the whole building.

"I need the two women out here, please!"

I could tell he didn't mean it when he said 'please' because he was seething at us. Since he wasn't particularly specific with who he wanted, Camila and I stay where we are and remain quiet. Instead of crawling towards the exit, we slouch as low as we can and hid in a corner.

"You know who you are," he calls out angrily. "I need you to step out of the play-zone so you don't break anything," he not-so-kindly orders us.

Feeling offended by his statement, I sassily huff back, "We don't weigh that much!"

Camila rapidly smacks my thighs in attempt to shut me up.

The structure isn't designed for anybody over the age of twelve," he hastily informs us.

"We're twelve at heart!" I shout out proudly, earning a slap when Camila covers my mouth. I playfully bite her finger, emitting a short squeal from her.

"Y/N! What the hell?" she squeaks out.

"What?" I ask innocently. "It's not like I have rabies," I say monotonously.

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