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A few more cities had passed, and a few more buttons were collected. Lauren had even come with me sometimes, saying she had a great 'eye' for the best buttons. I never would have guessed that she was a dork. In fact, in the beginning I really only thought she was a bitch. Not only because she hated me, but also because she was rude to Camila a lot. At first I thought it was because of the whole situation with me, but not even I could cause that much tension.

But now I knew better, and good thing too. Lauren and I got along so well; we instantly clicked and became really good friends. We had a similar interest in TV series and even started watching one together. We didn't binge watch it, not only because there were five seasons but also because we both enjoyed doing other activities in our free time.

Sometimes we would go out to shop, for food, for a drink, or to just explore our surroundings. We always ended up finding an adventure, even if it was something small.

The girls had a show tonight, but that wasn't for another ten hours. They had an early interview at seven this morning, so they were up and ready for the day. They were done with the interview, and now we were all just chilling at the venue waiting for the time to come that they start preparing for the show.

When we all got settled, Lauren and I snuggled ourselves onto a couch and watched some more of Lost Girl. We had slouched into the cushions, her head laying on my shoulder and mine on top of her head.

We had gotten about halfway through the first season when Camila interrupted us.

"Yoooooooooo," she loudly cheered as she entered the room.

Lauren paused the show and we both lifted our heads up at the intruder. I smiled and waved at Camila, soon using that hand to cover my mouth while a yawn escaped. I heard Lauren yawn right after then felt a shift in the couch as she stretched.

"Hey, Mila," Lauren groaned out through her stretches.

"What are you two doing?" she asked interestedly.

"Just watching our show," Lauren waved off casually.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"I was just walking around, ran into some people," she mumbled, looking back at the door she just came through.

"Cool," I slowly nodded, too tired to further engage myself in conversation. I was looking at Camila, seeing her look towards me with a weird look, but I didn't process it. Instead, my mind started to drift to the comfortable couch I was sitting on.

"By the way, Lauren," Camila's voice brought me out of my daze. "Chloe was looking for you. Something about a wardrobe malfunction."

"Wardrobe malfunction?" Lauren asked confused. "What happened?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask. I'm just the messenger," Camila shrugged.

Sighing, Lauren pulled herself to her feet. "I was so fucking comfortable," Lauren grumbled under her breath. "Don't watch anymore without me," she playfully warned me, then left the room.

Camila plopped down on the couch next to me, snuggling into my side. "What are you watching?"

"This show called Lost Girl. It's really cheesy, but I like it," I laughed.

She sat up and looked at me, "Cheesy how?"

"Like, the acting isn't the best, and you can tell some parts are kind of forced," I explained. "But the story line is still pretty good, and I really like the whole concept."

"What's the concept?"

I tried to think of a simpler way to explain the Fae world to her, and all I could come up with was, "Supernatural, basically."

Unscripted (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now