Angels fall

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I can't believe I was stupid enough to do that... Who knows how much shits going down now!

God I hope their all right... And Shadow... No could have told here. Only he saw me. I should be fine. He wouldn't be stupid enough to say anything... I hope.

And why am I so worried... I've been planing to go back for ages...

It's because you know you'll see her again.

But that's a good thing! I need to see her. At least to be sure she's okay.

God I hope she's okay... I could hear her screaming up at me for so long... I still hear her silently praying.

And the vampire. He's been unwell I think. I heard him scream my name not long ago...

Why is it so hard to just go back? To go show them what I've become?

Maybe you're ashamed.

Why would I be? There's nothing to be ashamed of. Is there? No.

No I will not be ashamed.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow i will go back. Tomorrow I will reveal myself.

I will come home. I promised you that. I intend to keep that promise.

You've been gone to long friend.
Far to long.
We've missed you.
When will you be back?

Soon twins. Soon.

Very well, Jinxx.


Hey guys! Sorry it's such a short update!

I've been working on a new book based around The Killjoys... Which I just published! It's called Angel of Death, so go check it out!

But I remembered I had to do this didn't I?!

So dun dun duuunnnnn
Guess who's back!!!

Haha see ya later!

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