The Supernaturals Can Live In Harmony

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2 years later

It had been 2 years since my first shift; I was living with the 'pack' as I had started to call them. Yes there were more than just wolves and shifters, vampires and witches, hellhounds and demons, and of course a few angels.

But we all lived in harmony, the demons and angels never fought (in fact two were engaged and happy just not to be judged), the hellhounds and wolves loved to hunt together, the vamps were careful not to bite or drink from anyone, the witches protected us all from prying eyes, and the shifters (Mikey and I being two of the 6 left) made sure we had everything we needed and if we didn't we would go out and buy some from the towns surrounding us.

We had had a few run ins with hunters when on these trips and of course we ended up taking them back to the town. Every time we did they saw what we had done, they were shocked that we were able to do it, live in harmony. When they left in a few weeks' time they promised to spread the word, make sure no hunters tried to hunt the 'creatures' in this area.

All was going well. We were all content and no one had been killed by a hunter or human in 10 months.

Most of the more myth believing ones thought it was my doing, that I had brought about this change, and true I had changed some things (such as letting the hunters see our home so they wouldn't come back with more), but they were believing I had magic. The angels (and demons) were asked if anything like me had happened before but they had no answers, so we were left in the dark, not knowing if I was the first of my kind or if anyone like me existed.

In my time here I had learnt that vampires can be born and that they aged extremely fast until the age of 18-20 when they stopped aging. I knew this because Mikey's brother Gerard was a born vampire. At first it was confusing; if Gerard was a born vampire (and was born before his brother) then how was it that Mikey was a shifter?

Through lots of digging when Mikes was a baby (after it was realized he wasn't a vampire that is) his mum discovered that her great-great-grandfather had been a shifter, that he had been a marvellous black panther. Mikey had yet to change and we were all waiting, it was obvious that he was it was just a matter of when.

Gerard and Mikey's mother had died 2 years before I came; their father had been banned and told that if he was to return he would be killed on site 1 month after I came. It was me who told the others he needed to go, he had been beating the boys, and while Gee was a vampire and could heal himself Mikey couldn't.

Mikey was 16 and a half now (somehow even though he was a shifter he had still aged extremely fast, though his growth was slowing down now) his brother was 19 and would stay that age for ever now. I had aged normally meaning I was now 17.

They had both thanked me for making their dad leave and we ha become a family, we protected each other. When we were on supply runs Mikey would be sure to stay with me at all times. When we were home Gerard, Mikey and me were inseparable. Everyone knew we were family and everyone accepted it.

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