Chapter 5

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She tucked her hair into her hood and pulled it a little tighter around her head as she walked up to a scraggly looking sailor

On her ride to the docks she had stolen "improper" clothes off a cloths line and changed into them, hanging her fancy dress up in exchange

"Excuse me sir," she said getting the sailor's attention, keeping her head down and face hidden as she spoke, "I'll pay you five gold coins to sail me over to the forbidden lands."

"Ok.." He agreed hesitantly before turning around and walking towards his small boat, "this way"

She followed him over to his boat and watched him prepare everything really quickly

"Why would you want to go there? That land has been forbidden since the purge, all the magical things that couldn't be destroyed were cast there, why would you go somewhere where every living creature has a valid reason to kill you? None who go return" he said over his shoulder

"None return that you know of.. Because the king executes them for not hating magic" she mumbled

"What?" He asked not hearing her

"I said, why did the king cast the purge?"

"Because they were getting reckless and he feared for the kingdom of course" he answered while lifting the anchor and taking off

"But wasn't to true king said to rule with a dragon? Dragons and riders had Unbreakable bonds 'till death but you knew you were the dragon heir because.. How does the story go?"

"A certain stone unites you.. I believe the sun stone, but that's all legends, fairy tale, there hasn't been a dragon in centuries. They were hunted in the purge. Riders were captured then used to lure them out so the slayers could kill them."

"But why were the dragons hunted?"

"Because they started getting greedy!"

She just sighed and dropped it, she didn't believe that, but what on earth was a sun stone? She wondered, her brother had mentioned it, what did you know that caused the king to kill him?

"Alright lass, this is as close as I can get"

She walked over to him, and hand handed him 5 gold coins, "this is for your assistance" she then handed him another 5, "and this for your silence"

He smiled and nodded. Gently took them from her. As soon as they no longer touched her skin he greedily stuffed the money in his pocket.

She took off her boots and hopped over board, it was only 3 foot deep so she'd dry. It was spring, wouldn't get to cold

She waded to the island holding her boots away from water

Once she was out of the water she pulled her hood back and released her hair then looked over her shoulder at the leaving boat.

Wait, I instinctively fled to a place I'll probably meet my death after my brother was killed with no thought  she questioned herself I guess I am drawn to this island for some odd reason. Sure my brother is who I was closest to but.. I need to find a sun stone

She took a few steps to clear her thoughts when a coconut flew in front of her, inches from her face

"Damn! We's missed it! The Beavers will get away!" She heard someone yell

She looked to her left to see an older man, probably 65, slightly hunched over, wearing cloths that were more holes then coverage. He had a long white, scruffy beard but an extreme receding hairline. He was thinner than most and looked to be in good shape

"I'm not a beaver!" She defended, hoping he wouldn't throw another coconut at her

"It.. Spoke?" He asked himself

"I'm just like you but younger! No beaver, a person"

"I haven't spoken to something beside meself for 23 years.." He scratched his ear thinking, "comes with me beaver!" He said waving her after him, a genuine smile growing on his lips

"But.." She started before he interrupted

"Sh! It no safe for you in dark. Me help" he reassured

This time when he waved she simply followed him

Into the woods, after dark, in a land of magic, trusting a cooky old man.

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